Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/28

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

sticking his accusing finger in Cat's eye. "I saw you get the dope. Can't put that over on us."

The informer smiled over his newspaper, while Cat twisted his mouth ludicrously. "Anyway, I did it," he protested.

"Give you a dime to do it again," Jimmy baited him.

"Don't you know Shakespeare never repeats," said Cat, with sham solemnity.

"But Shakespeare's cat does," retorted Jimmy. "Cat, you are some fraud. Know where you are going? "

"Anyway, I've got a return ticket. Say, boys," he suddenly shouted, "we're there!"

Instantly six eager eyes, which had been giving but fleeting attention to the familiar sand dunes along the seashore, were focused on two landmarks just ahead, indicating the end of the first leg of their journey. One was the century-and-a-half-old stone lighthouse, now in disuse; the other, its modern successor whose revolving light at night guides a host of seacraft through the great strait between Cape Charles and Cape Henry.