Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/40

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

"I'm not, either. I'm having a swell time. Let me look, will you!"

The fact is, as the flyer sped on her way without accident, the lads began to forget any sense of uneasiness and to give their minds wholly to the marvelous panorama of sea and sand below and boundless sky above.

"Say, Legs," jested Jimmy, "I can see the rock of Gibraltar plain as day."

"Your eyes are rum," countered Legs. "I can spy the Pyramids of Egypt."

"High spy!" shot back Jimmy.

"Oh, slush!"

"Say, Legs, wouldn't our mothers be all up in the air if they knew we were up here now. Gee whillikins! Look at that toy steamship way down yonder. Looks to me like a terrapin crawling along smoking a cigarette. What does it look like to you."

"Like a steamer."

"Ah, come off, you haven't got any more imagination than a sand-fiddler."

"I'm mighty thankful I haven't. You need to put a mustard plaster on yours. When I see a rattlesnake, I don't want to take it for a