Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/48

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

into his workshop, littered with charts, maps, drawing material, aerial photo equipment, and many curious-looking objects, which the instructor began to explain in his drawling tone, warming up more and more as he proceeded with his subject.

Having been initiated into the mysteries of aerial photography, the lads were next enlightened concerning the magic of the movies—how to make an auto run backwards, how to create ghosts, how to make the same person appear in different costumes on the same film, how a man is made to seem to jump up a wall of twenty feet, how the dummy is substituted for the flesh-and-blood person in movie accidents such as falls from a fifteenth story, how scenery is worked in to give all the illusion of nature, and many other curious and entertaining facts, the recital of which held the two lads open mouthed and spellbound.

"Gosh! this fellow knows everything," was the thought both began to entertain.

And to confirm their opinion of his boundless knowledge, he wound up with a lesson in topography which entertained Legs immensely, but