Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/51

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At Cape Peril

their trunks, and made for the beach to kill the required interval.

"Look here, fellows, let's have a little field day while we're waiting to go in," suggested Cat. "Give us a back, Legs. Come on, Jimmy, frog it over the skyscraper."

Legs, with apparent docility, bent his back to accommodate the agile Jimmy; but when Cat attempted to keep the pot boiling, the bent back humped itself abruptly and shot the prospective leaper into a heap on the sand. The discomforted Cat bounded up, harnessed his finger into Legs's trunks and threatened to tear off that flimsy garment while he mauled the offender's head, until Jimmy interfered and diverted their minds to a broad jump.

He lined off taw on the moist sand, leaped a scant six feet as estimated by Cat's eye; then the measurer followed and heeled in at six and a half.

"Now, kangarooster, your turn," said Cat to Legs; "take your fling. You've got it sewed up already."

Legs bounded at least nine feet, landing on the seat of his trunks.