Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/72

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The Boy Scouts of the Air

to mat'amony. All the gals snickers at ye, lads, and when a gal makes fun o' ye, ye might as well reef yo' sails and drift. Ye see, when I was jes' kneehigh to a hoppergrass them clapper-clawed kids in school said thet when I toddled along my legs makes a O and then they crosses sorter and makes a X, so, dang 'em, they yells 'Ox' after me; 'fer,' says they, 'yo' legs spell it just as good or plainer then McGuffey's Spellin' Book.' Ef you want to be happy, boys, don't let none of yo' limbs take a hold on yo' mind."

At this point, Legs crossed his lower extremities uneasily, much to the merriment of his companions.

"What's the matter, lad?" laughed the jolly seaman. "You ain't got nothin' to worry you. I has to tack, but yo' props is long but straight, and, as long as they're straight, you kin walk away with any of 'em. That's right, lads. Don't do like me. Pick yo' gal an', when you've sighted her with your telescope, bear down the wind with all yo' sails a-bellyin'. An', blister my boots, she'll strike her colors, and she's yourn to have and to hold, ferever and mo'n ever. Amen."