Page:Bedford-Jones--Boy Scouts of the Air at Cape Peril.djvu/79

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The next morning Legs awoke early and, after inspecting his watch, was about to settle himself for another hour's snooze when he detected a sputtering sound and instantly recognized it as the wireless in action. Footfalls on the flat roof of the kitchen ell confirmed him in the opinion that Turner was taking or sending a message. Straightway, the youngster was seized by an itching desire to witness the apparatus in operation, and all thought of further sleep vanished.

Very softly he arose, slipped on his clothes, and was hurrying on his way to seek the outer stairway leading to the roof of the annex when he stopped short and drew back on discovering, out on the porch, Hardy and Turner (the latter evidently just arrived) deeply absorbed in conversation.

"That's what it said," Turner was announcing, "that's every last word I could get.