Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/1037

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1 . Aerobic 2 Anaerobic; proceed to Section I p. 1029 2. Cells 1.4 to 1.6 microns wide and 10 to 50 microns long, forming chains usually over 100 micron.s in length; individual rods are characterized by constrictions which later develop into cross walls followed by division; cells may branch, the branch appearing at or near the site of constriction but not visibly connected with the main axis; motile by means of peritrichous flagella; form small, bluish white, iridescent colonies on peptone yeast extract agar, particularly with added acetate Lineola p. 832 Not as above 3 3. Organisms isolated from cases of granuloma inguinale; grow only in the yolk sac of the developing chick embrj-o or in condensation water of a sloped medium prepared by adding 50 per cent unheated embryonic j-olk to melted and cooled nutrient agar Calymmatobacterium -p. j^l8 Pleomorphic organisms parasitic on or within erythrocytes of man and other verte- brates and cause infections of lower animals; stain by Giemsa's stain without visible differentiation into nucleus and cytoplasm; grown with variable success in semi- solid agar containing whole blood. See Manual keys for the family Bartonellaceae p. 968 Organisms grow in glucose-blood-bouillon agar as Gram-negative rods 1.0 micron in length; occur in masses as coccoid and ellipsoidal cells 0.3 to 0.5 micron in diameter, extracellularly lining the intestinal epithelium of the sheep ked Melophagus ovinus Wolbachia p. 953 {W. melophagi) Not as above 4 4. Organisms isolated from nodules on the roots of leguminous plants and capable of producing nodules on the host plant Rhizobium p. 285 Not as above 5 5. Organisms capable of continued growth in a glucose or mannitol mineral salts medium devofd of nitrogen compounds 6 Not as above 7 6. Large, rod-shaped organisms; motile bj- means of peritrichous flagella Azotobacter p. 283 Small rods; motile by means of polar flagella .zotomonas p. 198 7. Endospores produced Bacillus p. 613 Endospores not produced 8 Note: Most species of the genus Bacillus are Gram -positive. 8. Organisms grow well on yeast water medium containing up to 10 per cent alcohol, o.xidizing the latter to acetic acid; growth verj^ poor or absent on media containing no carbohydrates Acetobacter p. 183 Note: Erwinia carotovora is recorded to be able to oxidize 5 per cent ethyl alcohol. Not as above 9 9. Organisms grow poorly on peptone media in the absence of carbohydrates; good growth of white, raised, round colonies 1 mm in diameter on wort agar under anaerobic conditions; only slight growth, if any, aerobicalh" in the presence of sugars; glucose fermented with the production of carbon dioxide, lactic acid and up to 10 per cent ethyl alcohol ; motile by means of a single polar flagellum .... Zymomonas p. 199 Organisms which will not grow on common laboratory media; grow in sucrose broth

containing less than 0.5 per cent NaCl and a very low concentration of meat ex-