Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/1042

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56. Marine organisms; nitrites not produced from nitrates; starch hydrolyzed Flavobacteriuni -p. 309 Not as above possibly Erwinia p. 34.9 Note: Erwinia ananas, E. mangiferae, E. vitivora and E. milletiae terminate here. 57. Organisms found in the cytoplasm of the rhizopod Pelomyxa Bacteritmi* parapelomyxae p. 929 Note: This entry is valid only if the organism is motile. Not as above 58 58. Flagella polar Pseudonionas p. 89 Flagella peritrichous Paracolobactrum p. 346 (Anaerogenic strains) Note: (1) From published data the following organisms, if isolated from the soil, may terminate here: Agrobacterium rhizogenes, Erwinia amylovora, E. aroideae, Rhizohium leguminosarum , R. trifolii and R. phaseoli. In addition the following may also be listed if they prove to be lactose fer- menters: Achromobacter delicatulum, A. superficiale , Agrobacterium tumefa- ciens, Rhizobium meliloti and Erwinia salicis. (2) Non-gas-producing strains of Ballerup and Bethesda Groups, Rome, 1953, which ferment lactose slowly. 59. Acid and gas from glucose 60 Acid only from glucose 64 60. Bioluminescent Photobacterium p. 193 Not as above 61 61. Methyl-red positive; Voges-Proskauer negative 62 Methyl-red negative; Voges-Proskauer positive 63 62. Lactose fermented in 2 days Escherichia p. 335 (^Escherichia, Rome, 1953, for non-motile strains) Lactose fermentation delayed Paracolobactrum p. 3^6 (P. calif orme strains 311, 17611 and 16911) 63. Encapsulated organisms; pathogenic, causing infections in man and animals, princi- pally of the respiratory tract Klebsiella p. 344 Not as above Aerobacter p. 341 {Klebsiella {Klebsiella- Aerogenes) Group, Rome, 1953) 64. Small, ovoid coccobacilli causing pneumonia in sheep and cattle Pasteurella p. 395 Organisms which produce mucoid to cartilaginous colonies adherent to the medium; grow on meat infusion agar; colonies usually 1 mm in diameter in 24 hours but may enlarge on further incubation to 3 to 6 mm ; produce a granulated growth on the walls of the tube in liquid media; occur in necrotic lesions as granules resembling actino- mycotic granules in cases of actinobacillosis of cattle and joint ill of foals or in complicating actinomycotic infections. One species may be a commensal in the ali- mentary canal of solipeds Actinobacillus p. 4H Not as above 65 65. Fastidious organisms; do not grow on meat infusion agar in the absence of X-f actor on primary isolation under aerobic conditions but may be trained to grow without it; colonies on blood agar 0.5 mm in diameter but may be much larger on Levinthal agar; coccobacillary, arranged singl}% in short chains or in clumps Haemophilus p. 406 Species represented here cause bronchopneumonia of sheep {H. ovis), respiratory infection in mice {H. influenzae-murium) and endocarditis {H. aphrophilus) . Fastidious organisms; require blood or ascitic fluid; highly pleomorphic; rod -shaped

  • Not recognized in the Manual.