Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/1051

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1. Endospores produced 2 No endospores produced 3 2. Long thin rods oxidizing primary alcohols to acids and secondary alcohols to ketones while reducing CO2 quantitatively to methane; glucose is not metabolized Methanobacterium p. 250 (M. omelianskii) Not as above Clostridium p. 6S4 Note: Desulfovibrio dcsulfuricans has been recorded as a spore former, l:)ut this claim has not been confirmed. 3. Motile 4 Non-motile 5 4. Curved rods with a bunch of flagella inserted at or near the center of the concave side of the rod; recorded from the alimentary canal of ruminants and guinea pigs and from the buccal cavity of man Selenomonas p. 258 Curved rods which reduce sulfates, sulfites, sulfur, thiosulfate and hj'posulfites to hy- drogen sulfide, using a wide range of organic substances and possibly hydrogen as hydrogen donors; motile by means of polar flagella Desulfovibrio p. 2^8 Curved rods depositing sulfur internally when growing in the presence of hydrogen sulfide; motile bj' means of polar flagella Thiospira p. 82 Curved rods other than above ; motile by means of polar flagella Vibrio p. 229 Note: V. sputorum and V. niger are the only two species recorded here. V. coli requires 15 per cent CO2 but is not recorded as anaerobic. Not as above 5 5. Organisms which ferment glucose with the production of large quantities of ethj'l alcohol plus other byproducts including CO2 Zymomonas p. 199 Rods straight or slightly curved; occur in liquids in long chains, frequently in parallel bundles; ferment acetate and n-butyrate with the production of methane and car- bon dioxide; ethyl alcohol and n-butyl alcohol not fermented Methanobacterium p. 250 (M. soehngenii) Not as above 6 Note: The only recorded motile Gram-negative rods are Fusobacterium praea- cutum, Bacteroides serpens and Bacteroides variegatus. They are treated with other members of their respective genera. 6. Minute rod-shaped cells growing only in media containing sterile fresh tissue or ascitic fluid; found in the upper respiratory tract of man Dialister p. 440 Not as above 7 7. Acid and gas produced from glucose or acid from glucose and gas produced in peptone water 8 Acid but no gas produced from glucose 12 No acid or gas produced from glucose 20 Note: No .sugar reactions are given for the following species: Sphaerophorus gonidiaformans, S. inortiferus, S. floccosus, S. influenzaejormis, S. pyogenes, Bacteroides destillationis, B. viscosus and B. glutinosus. 8. Lactose fermented 9 Lactose not fermented 10 9. Gas produced in peptone; very pleomorphic Sphaerophoru.s p. 44I {S. freundii, S. ridicnlosus, S. necroticns and S. inequalis; see also Bacteroides ser-
