Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/134

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mm in diameter, shiny, grayish white, entire, of the consistency of bread dough.

Agar slant: Growth grayish white, wrinkled, echinulate. After 1 or 2 days a skunk-like odor develops.

Broth: Turbid. Sediment. White pellicle.

Potato: Growth echinulate, shiny, brownish.

Litmus milk: A skunk-like odor develops in 1 to 2 days. Grayish blue surface ring in about 3 days. Alkaline in 7 to 10 days. In two weeks complete reduction. Slight proteolysis and viscosity.

Hydrogen sulfide not produced.

Indole not produced.

Nitrites produced from nitrates.

Acid but no gas produced slowly from glucose, fructose, maltose and sucrose. No acid from arabinose, dextrin, galactose, glycerol, lactose, mannitol, raffinose or salicin.

Aerobic, facultative.

Optimum temperature, 21° C. Growth slight at 5° and 30°C. No growth at 37° C.

Source: Several cultures isolated from butter having a skunk-like odor.

Habitat: Presumably derived from the rinse water.

33. Pseudomonas putrefaciens (Derby and Hammer, 1931) Long and Hammer, 1941. (Achromobacter putrefaciens Derby and Hammer, Iowa Agr. Exp. Sta., Res. Bull. 145, 1931, 401; Long and Hammer, Jour. Bact., 41, 1941, 100.)

pu.tre.fa′ci.ens. L. v. putrefacio to make rotten; L. part. adj. putrefaciens making rotten.

Rods, 0.5 to 1.0 by 1.1 to 4.0 microns, occurring singly and in pairs. Motile with a single flagellum. Gram-negative.

Gelatin stab: Rapid, saccate to stratiform liquefaction, with reddish brown sediment in the liquefied portion.

Agar colony: Circular, smooth, glistening, slightly raised, somewhat transparent, with brownish tinge.

Agar slant: Echinulate, slightly reddish brown, viscous.

Broth: Turbid, with thin, gray pellicle and reddish brown sediment.

Litmus milk: Rapid reduction and proteolysis with odor of putrefaction.

Potato: Echinulate, smooth, glistening, viscous, reddish brown.

Indole not produced.

Nitrites are produced from nitrates.

Acid from maltose and sucrose. No action on glucose, fructose, galactose, arabinose, lactose, raffinose, dextrin, inulin, salicin, amygdalin, glycerol, mannitol or sorbitol.

Ammonia is formed.

Aerobic, facultative.

Optimum temperature, 21° C. No growth at 37° C.

Source: Isolated from tainted butter.

Habitat: Milk, cream, butter, water, soil and creamery equipment (Long and Hammer, loc. cit.; Claydon and Hammer, op. cit., Res. Bull. 267, 1939).

34. Pseudomonas cohaerens (Wright, 1895) Chester, 1901. (Bacillus cohaerens Wright, Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci., 7, 1895, 464; Pseudomonas cohaerea (sic) Chester, Man. Determ. Bact., 1901, 312.)

co.hae′rens. L. part. adj. cohaerens cohering, uniting together.

Rods, occurring singly and in pairs, sometimes in chains. Motile, possessing a polar flagellum. Gram-negative.

Gelatin colonies: Circular, elevated, grayish, translucent, entire. Become white with an elevated, brownish, central nodule.

Gelatin stab: Slow liquefaction.

Agar slant: Elevated, grayish white, translucent, glistening, with irregular margins.

Broth: Turbid; coherent, wrinkled pellicle which adheres to the walls of the container.

Litmus milk: Alkaline, coagulated, slowly peptonized, litmus reduced.

Potato: Thick, granular, translucent, spreading.

Indole not produced.

Grows at 25° C.


Source: Isolated from water from the Schuylkill River.

Habitat: Water.

35. Pseudomonas ambigua (Wright, 1895) Chester, 1901. (Bacillus ambiguus Wright, Memoirs Nat. Acad. Sci., 7, 1895,