Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/140

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Distinctive characters: No or slow growth in culture media in the absence of salt. Maximum growth and pigmentation appears with 1.5 and 2.5 per cent salt. Optimum pigmentation occurs at 4° and 15° C. Pigment insoluble in chloroform.

Source: Several cultures isolated from samples of discolored butter.

Habitat: Causes a black to reddish brown discoloration of print butter. Evidently widely distributed in nature.

51. Pseudomonas ichthyodermis (Wells and ZoBell, 1934) ZoBell and Upham, 1944. (Achromobacter ichthyodermis (sic) Wells and ZoBell, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 20, 1934, 123; ZoBell and Upham, Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanography, 5, 1944, 246 and 253.)

ich.thy.o.der′mis. Gr. ichthys fish; Gr. derma skin; M.L. ichthyodermis fish skin.

Small rods, 0.9 to 1.3 by 3.0 to 5.0 microns, occurring singly and in pairs. Motile, with a tuft of polar flagella. Pleomorphic forms predominate in old cultures. Encapsulated. Gram-negative.

Requires sea water following initial isolation. The following differential media are prepared with sea water:

Agar colonies: Glistening, colorless, convex, circular, 2 to 4 mm in diameter.

Agar slants: Abundant, filiform, raised, smooth, opalescent growth.

Gelatin tube : Rapid crateriform liquefaction complete in 5 days at 18° C.

Sea-water broth: Turbidity, with pellicle, little granular sediment and no odor.

Milk: No growth.

Potato : No growth unless dialyzed in sea water. Then fair growth with no pigment.

Acid from glucose, sucrose and mannitol but not from lactose or glycerol.

Starch hydrolyzed.

Ammonia liberated from peptone, but no hydrogen sulfide produced.

Indole formed in tryptophane sea-water broth.

Nitrites produced from nitrates.

Optimum temperature, between 25° and 30° C.; 37° C. incubation will kill recently isolated organisms.

Aerobic, facultative.

Source: Isolated from diseased kilifish (Fundulus parvipinnis).

Habitat: Skin lesions and muscle tissue of infected marine fish.

52. Pseudomonas marinoglutinosa (ZoBell and Allen, 1935) ZoBell, 1943. (Achromobacter marinoglutinosus (sic) ZoBell and Allen, Jour. Bact., 29, 1935, 246; ZoBell, Jour. Bact., 46, 1943, 45.)′sa. L. marinus marine; L. glutinosus full of glue, viscous; M.L. adj. marinoglutinosus . Meaning obscure.

Short rods, 0.7 to 1.0 by 1.8 to 2.4 microns, with rounded ends, occurring singly, in pairs and in clumps. Motile with polar flagella. Staining granular. Encapsulated. Gram-negative.

Gelatin stab: Moderate filiform growth with slight napiform liquefaction. No pigment.

Agar colonies: Round with concentric circles and crinkled radial lines, 1.5 to 5.0 mm in diameter. No pigment.

Agar slant: Moderate, filiform, flat. Butyrous consistency.

Broth: Moderate clouding, marked ring, adherent film of growth on test tube wall, flaky sediment.

Milk: No growth.

Potato: No growth.

Indole not produced.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Hydrogen sulfide and ammonia produced from Bacto-tryptone.

Acid but no gas from xylose and dextrin. No acid from glucose, lactose, sucrose or mannitol.

Starch is hydrolyzed.

Optimum temperature, between 20° and 25° C.

Aerobic, facultative.

Source : Isolated from sea water.

Habitat: Sea water.

53. Pseudomonas membranoformis (ZoBell and Allen, 1935) ZoBell, 1943. (Achromobacter membranoformis ZoBell and Allen, Jour. Bact., 29, 1935, 246; ZoBell, Jour. Bact., 46, 1943, 45.)′mis. L. membrana a membrane; L. forma appearance; M.L. adj. membranoformis membranous.

Rods, 0.9 to 1.2 by 3.5 to 4.8 microns, occurring singly and in pairs. Motile with