Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/146

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glistening, smooth, edges entire. Grayish white with bluish tinge.

Broth: Turbid in 36 hours. Pellicle formed.

Milk: Becomes alkaline. No curd.

Nitrites produced from nitrates (Burkholder and Starr, Phytopath., 38, 1948, 498).

Indole not produced.

Hydrogen sulfide not produced.

Acid but no gas from glucose, galactose, fructose, mannose, arabinose, xylose, sucrose, mannitol and glycerol. Alkaline reaction from salts of acetic, citric, malic and succinic acids. Rhamnose, maltose, lactose, raffinose salicin, and formic, lactic and artaric acids are not utilized.

Starch not hydrolyzed.

Aerobic, facultative.

Distinctive character: Pathogenicity appears limited to celery.

Source: Jagger isolated this repeatedly from diseased celery leaves.

Habitat: Pathogenic on celery, Apium graveolens.

67. Pseudomonas asplenii (Ark and Tompkins, 1946) Săvulescu, 1947. (Phytomonas asplenii Ark and Tompkins, Phytopath., 36, 1946, 760; Săvulescu, Anal. Acad. Romane, III, 22, 1947, 11.)

a.sple'ni.i. Gr. neut.noun asplenum spleenwort; M.L. neut.noun Asplenium generic name; M.L. gen.noun asplenii of Asplenium.

Rods 0.3 to 0.5 by 1.2 to 2.4 microns. Motile, with 1 to 3 polar flagella. Gram-negative.

Gelatin: Liquefied.

Beef-extract-peptone agar slants: Grayish white with fluorescence in the medium.

Potato-dextrose-peptone agar: Growth rapid, heavy, strongly grayish white, butyrous; medium darkens with age.

Nutrient broth: Turbid in 24 hours; no pellicle.

Milk: No curd.

Indole not produced.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Hydrogen sulfide not produced.

Acid but no gas from glucose, galactose, fructose, arabinose, xylose, maltose and sucrose. Slight acidity in lactose after long incubation; no acid in raffinose.

Starch not hydrolyzed.

Growth good in Fermi's, Cohn's and Uschinsky's solutions.

Temperature relations: Optimum between 22° and 30° C. Minimum, 1° C. Maximum, 34° C.

Source: Six isolates and 3 reisolates from lesions on the bird's nest fern.

Habitat: Pathogenic on the fern, Asplenium nidus.

68. Pseudomonas berberidis (Thornberry and Anderson, 1931) Stapp, 1935. (Phytomonas berberidis Thornberry and Anderson, Jour. Agr. Res., 43, 1931, 36; Stapp, Bot. Rev., 1, 1935, 407.)'ri.dis. M.L. Berberis generic name of barberry; M.L. fem.gen.noun berberidis of barberry.

Rods, 0.5 to 1.0 by 1.5 to 2.5 microns, occurring singly or in pairs. Motile with 2 to 4 polar flagella. Encapsulated. Gram-negative (Burkholder); not Gram-positive as stated in original description.

Green fluorescent pigment produced in culture (Burkholder).

Gelatin: Not liquefied.

Glucose agar slants: Growth moderate, filiform at first, later beaded, raised, smooth, white. Butyrous in consistency.

Milk: Becomes alkaline. No other change.

Nitrites produced from nitrates (Burkholder and Starr, Phytopath., 38, 1948, 498).

Indole not produced.

Hydrogen sulfide not produced.

Not lipolytic (Starr and Burkholder, Phytopath., 32, 1942, 601).

Acid from glucose, galactose and sucrose. Maltose and rhamnose not utilized (Burkholder).

No gas from carbohydrates.

Starch not hydrolyzed.

Temperature relations: Optimum, 18° C. Minimum, 7° C. Maximum, 30° C.


Source: Repeated isolations from leaves and twigs of barberry.

Habitat: Pathogenic on barberry, Berberis thunbergerii and B. vulgaris.

69. Pseudomonas coronafaciens (Elliott, 1920) Stevens, 1925. (Bacterium corona-