Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/148

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Green fluorescent pigment produced in culture.

Gelatin: Liquefied.

Beef-peptone agar colonies: Whitish, circular, shining, translucent, edges entire.

Broth: Turbid. No ring or pellicle.

Milk: Becomes alkaline and clears.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Indole production feeble.

Hydrogen sulfide not produced.

Not lipolytic (Starr and Burkholder, Phytopath., 32, 1942, 601).

Acid from glucose, galactose, xylose, sucrose, glycerol and mannitol. Alkaline reaction from salts of citric, malic, malonic and succinic acids. Salicin, maltose and salts of hippuric and tartaric acids not utilized (Burkholder).

Slight growth in broth plus 4 per cent salt (Erw. Smith, Bact. Plant Diseases, 1920, 306).


Temperature relations: Optimum between 24° and 25° C. Minimum, 0° C. Maximum, 29° C.

Source: Isolated from diseased cauliflower leaves from Virginia.

Habitat: Pathogenic on cauliflower and cabbage.

72. Pseudomonas mangiferaeindicae Patel et al., 1948. (Pseudomonas mangiferaeindicae (sic) Patel, Moniz and Kulkarni, Curr. Sci., 17, 1948, 189; Indian Phytopath., 1, 1948, 147.)'''di.cae. M.L. fem.noun Mangifera mango bearer; L. adj. indicus of India; mangiferaeindicae of Mangifera indica.

Rods, 0.36 to 0.54 by 0.45 to 1.44 microns, occurring singly or in chains of 2 to 4. Motile with 1 or 2 polar flagella. Gram-negative.

Gelatin: Liquefied.

Nutrient agar colonies: Flat, smooth, glistening, round with entire margins, white to creamy, border deeper in color.

Potato glucose agar slants: Growth copious, raised, smooth, glistening, filiform, opalescent, butyrous, white.

Broth: Turbid with pellicle in 7 days. Slight sediment.

Milk: Litmus reduced in 7 days. Cleared with gelatinous sediment. Casein digested.

Loeffler's blood serum: Liquefied.

Uschinsky's solution: Good growth.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Indole not produced.

Hydrogen sulfide produced.

Acid but no gas from glucose, lactose and sucrose. Slight growth and acid in mannitol. L-arabinose, maltose, fructose, inulin, glycerol, salicin, sodium tartrate and asparagine not utilized.

Starch hydrolyzed.

Lipase not produced.

Growth in 2 per cent salt.

Temperature relations: Optimum between 20° and 25° C. Minimum, 5° C. Maximum, 35° C.


Source: Isolated from diseased leaves of mangoes.

Habitat: Pathogenic on Mangifera indica, Spondias mangiferae and Anacardium occidentale.

73. Pseudomonas marginata (McCulloch, 1921) Stapp, 1928. (Bacterium marginatum McCulloch, Science, 54, 1921, 115; Jour. Agr. Res., 29, 1924, 174; Stapp, in Sorauer, Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten, 2, 5 Aufl., 1928, 56.)'ta. L. margino to furnish with a border; L. part.adj. marginatus margined.

Rods 0.5 to 0.6 by 0.8 to 1.8 microns. Motile with 1 to 4 bipolar flagella. Encapsulated. Gram-negative.

Green fluorescent pigment produced in Uschinsky's and Fermi's solutions.

Gelatin: Liquefied.

Agar colonies: White, circular, smooth, translucent, viscid, with definite margins at first thin but later thick and contoured. Surface wrinkled.

Milk: At first slightly acid, then alkaline. Casein digested.

Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

Indole production slight.

Hydrogen sulfide production slight.

Lipolytic (Starr and Burkholder, Phytopath., 32, 1942, 601).

Acid but no gas from glucose, lactose, sucrose and glycerol.

Starch hydrolysis feeble.

Growth in 3.5 per cent salt. No growth in 4 per cent salt.

Temperature relations: Optimum between