Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/253

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dd. Nitrites not produced from nitrates.

20. Vibrio granii.

bb. Not as above.
c. Soil organisms that are known to attack benzene ring compounds.
d. Soil organism that attacks naphthalene.

21. Vibrio neocistes.

dd. Soil organism that attacks phenol and m-cresol.

22. Vibrio cyclosites.

cc. Soil organisms that are known to attack oxalates.
d. Grows well on calcium oxalate agar. White colonies.

23. Vibrio oxaliticus.

dd. Forms film on bottom of liquid oxalate media. Rose-red to blood-red chromogenesis on oxalate agar.

24. Vibrio extorquens.

B. Do not attack carbohydrates.
1. Soil organism that is known to attack naphthalene.

25. Vibrio cuneatus.

2. Not as above.
a. Do not liquefy gelatin.
b. From fresh water.

26. Vibrio percolans.

bb. Requires sea-water media for growth on fresh isolation.

27. Vibrio adapiaius.

aa. Liquefy gelatin.
b. Causes a disease in fresh-water fishes.

28. Vibrio piscium.

bb. Requires sea-water media for growth on fresh isolation.

29. Vibrio hyphalus.

II. Anaerobic to microaerophilic species (all parasitic, normally pathogenic).

A. Microaerophilic species that are pathogenic to warm-blooded animals.
1. Cause of abortion in cattle and sheep.

30. Vibrio fetus.

2. Not as above.
a. Cause of swine dysentery.

31. Vibrio coli.

aa. Cause of dysentery in cattle and related animals.

32. Vibrio jejuni.

B. Strict anaerobes.
a. Produces gas and bad odors in protein media.

33. Vibrio niger.

aa. Does not produce gas and bad odors in protein media.

34. Vibrio sputorum.

1. Vibrio comma (Schroeter, 1886) wiede, Rogers and Smith, Jour. Bact., 5, Winslow et al., 1920. (Kommabacillus, 1920 204.) Koch, Berliner klin. Wochenschr., ^i, 1884, „^/,„„ n- ^ ^„ „^„.^„ o • -77 77 • • r, r. • com'ma. ur. comma a comma. 479; bpinllum cholerae asiaticae Zopf, Die , , , , Spaltpilze, 3 Aufl., 1885, 69; Microspira Slightly curved rods, 0.3 to 0.6 by 1.0 to comma Schroeter, in Cohn, Kryptogamen ^.0 microns, occurring singly and in spiral Flora V. Schlesien, 3, 1, 1886, 168; Vibrio chains. Cells may be long, thin and delicate cholerae Neisser, Arch. f. Hyg., 19, 1893, 199; or short and thick. May lose their curved Winslow, Broadhurst, Buchanan, Krum- form on artificial cultivation. Motile,