Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/328

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Motile by means of 1 to 12 peritrichous flagella. Gram-negative. Gelatin colonies: Circular, white, raised, smooth, glistening, entire. Gelatin stab: No liquefaction. Nail-head growth. Agar colonies: Circular to amoeboid, white, flat to convex, smooth, glistening, translucent with opaque center, entire. Agar slant: Filiform, pale buff, raised, smooth, glistening, undulate growth. Broth: Turbid. Litmus milk: Unchanged. No acid from carbohydrate media. Starch not hydrolyzed. Nitrites produced from nitrates. Attacks phenol and naphthalene. Aerobic, facultative. Optimum temperature, between 30° and 35° C. Source: Three cultures were isolated from soil. Habitat: Soil. 9. Achromobacter pestifer (Frankland and Frankland, 1888) Bergey et al., 1923. {Bacillus pestifer G. and P. Frankland, Philosoph. Trans. Roy. Soc, London, B, 178, 1888, 277; Bergey et al.. Manual, 1st ed., 1923, 140.) pes'ti.fer. L. noun pestis plague, pes- tilence; L. v. fero to carry; M.L. adj. pestifer plague-carrying. Description prepared by Dr. J. M. Rush, Clemson Agricultural College, Clemson, South Carolina, from the original descrip- tion by Frankland and Frankland, from the emended description of Bergey et al. {loc. cit.), and from a study of 102 freshly isolated cultures. Rods, 1.0 by 2.3 microns, occurring singly and occasionally in chains. Motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Gram-negative. Gelatin colonies: Gray, smooth, irregular. Gelatin stab: No liquefaction. Agar colonies: Circular, convex, smooth, translucent. Agar slant: Growth moderate, filiform, butyrous, smooth. Nutrient broth: Turbid; thin pellicle. Litmus milk: Unchanged. Potato: Gray, filiform growth. Indole not produced. Hydrogen sulfide not produced on lead acetate agar. No action on carbohydrates. Starch not hj^drolyzed. Methyl red test negative. Acetylmethjicarbinol not produced. Citrate not utilized. Nitrites produced from nitrates. Ammonia not produced from peptone. Urease not produced. Trimethylamine oxide not reduced. Non-hemolytic. Pathogenicity: Not lethal to white mice when injected in massive doses. Does not produce soft rot on carrots, potatoes or turnips. Aerobic, facultative. Optimum temperature, 25° C. Growth range, 10° to 30° C. Source: Originally isolated from air; also isolated from water, cabbage, meat and soil. Habitat: Presumably widely distributed in water, soil and foodstuffs. 10. Achromobacter superficialis (Jor- dan, 1890) Bergey et al., 1923. (Bacillus superficialis Jordan, Report Mass. State Bd. of Health, 1890, 833; Bergey et al.. Manual, 1st ed., 1923, 144.)'lis. L. adj. superficialis superficial. Original description supplemented by Bergey {loc. cit.) from his private notes. Rods, 1.0 by 2.2 microns, occurring singly (Jordan). Motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Gram-negative (Bergey). Gelatin colonies: Small, circular, gray, translucent. Gelatin stab: Scant surface growth. Slow liquefaction. Agar slant: Limited, graj', filiform growth. Abundant growth (Steinhaus, Jour. Bact., 4^, 1941, 771). Broth: Slightly turbid. Litmus milk: No change; later becomes slightly acid. Potato: No growth (Jordan). Limited growth (Bergey). Indole not produced (Bergey). Of 19 amino acids tested, none was re- quired for growth; preformed growth factors also were not required (Campbell