Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/332

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bb. Nitrites produced from nitrates. Litmus milk rapidly peptonized. Growth at 37° C. 2. Flavobacterium fucatum.* aa. Litmus milk not peptonized. Yellow or orange pigmentation produced on potato, b. Orange pigmentation produced on potato. Soft curd develops in litmus milk; no change in reaction, c. Yellow-gray growth on nutrient agar. 3. Flavobacterium ferrugineum. cc. Orange growth on nutrient agar. 4. Flavobacterium arbor escens. bb. Yellow pigmentation on potato. Litmus milk becomes slightly acid. 5. Flavobacterium balustinum.* 2. Litmus milk not modified. Gelatin not liquefied. 6. Flavobacterium solar e. B. Produce a yellow pigmentation which shows no pronounced change under various cultural conditions. L Fresh-water forms or marine forms described from growth in media prepared with fresh water; do not require salt for growth.* a. Litmus milk modified. Gelatin liquefied. b. Litmus milk becomes alkaline. Abundant growth on potato. 7. Flavobacterium lutescens. bb. Litmus milk becomes slightly acid. Scant growth on potato. 8. Flavobacterium dormitator.* aa. Litmus milk not modified. Gelatin not liquefied. b. Grows on potato. 9. Flavobacterium ■peregrinum. bb. Does not grow on potato. 10. Flavobacteriiim breve. 2. Marine form which requires at least 3 per cent salt in media and which grows abundantly in media containing as much as 24 per cent salt. 11. Flavobacterium hahnephilum. II. Motile. A. Produce a pigmentation which varies with the cultural conditions. 1. Fresh -water forms or marine forms described from growth in media prepared with fresh water.* a. Litmus milk modified. b. Orange to rust-colored growth on potato. 12. Flavobacterium rhenanum. bb. Yellow^ growth on potato. 13. Flavobacterium harrisonii. aa. Litmus milk not modified. b. White to red-yellow growth on nutrient agar. Scant growth on potato and nutrient agar. 14. Flavobacterium diffusum* bb. Light yellow to brown growth on nutrient agar. Abundant growth on potato and nutrient agar. 15. Flavobacterium rig

  • The marine bacteria studied by Harrison had their cultural properties established using

media prepared with fresh water. These forms have been arranged with the non-marine species.