Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/457

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bic bacillus, Tunnicliff, Jour. Inf. Dis., IS, 1913, 289; Bacterium destillationis Weinberg et al., Les Microbes Ana^robies, 1937, 762; Ristella destillationis Prevot, Ann. Inst. Past.,eO, 1938,291.)'nis. L. prep, de from, down; L. noun stillatio a dropping down; L. noun destillatio a dripping down; L. gen. noun destillationis of a distillation. Rods, 0.3 by 2.0 microns, occurring singly or in clumps; filaments are formed. Non- motile. Gram-negative. Gas is not produced. Serum or ascitic fluid favors growth. Plain agar: No growth. Goat blood agar colonies: Round, convex, white becoming yellowish, very cohesive; growth in water of condensation is grayish white and mucoid. Blood agar and ascitic fluid agar stabs: Colonies are lenticular, coherent, mucoid. Loefller's serum: Smooth colonies. Potato: Smooth, moist, adherent growth. Nutrient broth: No growth. Glucose bouillon: Growth occurs as ir- regular, mucoid zoogloea; no turbidity. Anaerobic. Optimum temperature, 37° C.; killed at 55° C. Pathogenicity: Toxic but not pathogenic to guinea pigs when inoculated in large num- bers. Following two inoculations (18 days apart) with the water of condensation from cultures in Loeffler's blood serum, a pul- monary congestion and broncho-pneumonia with atelectasis, culminating in death, were produced in guinea pigs. Source: Isolated from a case of chronic bronchitis. Habitat : Found in the human respiratory tract; not common. 27. Bacteroides viscosus Hauduroy et al., 1937. (Coccobacterium mucosum anaerobi- cum Klinger, Cent. f. Bakt., I Abt., Grig., 62, 1912, 186 (type species (monotypy) of genus Coccobacterium Klinger, loc. cit.); Bacterium mucosum, Weinberg et al., Les Microbes Anaerobies, 1937, 727; not J5ac/eri- um mucosum Mez, Mikroskopische Wasser- analyse, Berlin, 1898, 57; Hauduroy et al., Diet. d. Bact. Path., 1937, 81; Capsularis 7nucosus Prevot, Ann. Inst. Past., 60, 1938 293.)'sus. L. adj. viscosus sticky, viscous. Short, ellipsoidal rods, 0.4 by 1.0 to 2.0 microns. Pleomorphic on culture media. Encapsulated. Non-motile. Show bipolar staining. Gram-negative. Serum gelatin: Liquefaction. Serum agar: Deep colonies small, lenticu- lar; gas with fetid odor. Serum broth: Mucoid growth in bottom of tube; gas and fetid odor. Indole produced in serum broth. Hydrogen sulfide produced in serum broth. Anaerobic. Growth only at 37° C. Pathogenicity: Produces subcutaneous abscesses in rabbits, guinea pigs and mice. Distinctive characters: Grows only if serum is added to the medium. Source: One strain was isolated from a brain abscess following bronchiectasis in man. Habitat: Presumably found in various infections in man. 28. Bacteroides variabilis (Distaso, 1912) Castellani and Chalmers, 1919. {Bacillus variabilis Distaso, Cent. f. Bakt., I Abt., Orig., 62, 1912, 441; Castellani and Chalmers, Man. Trop. Med., 3rd ed., 1919, 960; Capsularis variabilis Prevot, Ann. Inst. Past., 60, 1938, 293.) va.ri.a'bi.lis. L. adj. variabilis variable. Short rods, with rounded ends, occurring singly; some cells appear as long, flexuous rods. Encapsulated. Non-motile. Gram- negative. Gelatin: No growth on plain gelatin (Distaso) ; liquefaction (Eggerth and Gag- non, Jour. Bact., 25, 1933, 400). Blood agar colonies: Smooth, glistening, elevated and very mucoid, about 1.0 mm in diameter. Broth: Diffuse growth. Litmus milk: Unchanged (Distaso); acidi- fied and some strains coagulating in 25 to 35 days (Eggerth and Gagnon). Indole is produced. Hydrogen sulfide is produced. Acid and gas from glucose, lactose and sucrose (Distaso). Acid but no gas from