Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/468

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ish white sediment in 3 to 5 days, the broth clearing. Milk: Not coagulated; cheesy odor. Anaerobic. Optimum temperature, 37° C; killed at 58° C. Pathogenicity: Causes necrotic suppura- tions in domestic fowls, especially hens. Pathogenic for mice, guinea pigs and rab- bits; subcutaneous injection of 0.1 to 1.0 cc produces local edema and metastatic, ne- crotic abscesses in the lungs and liver, killing in 4 to 10 days. Intramuscular injec- tion of 0.1 cc produces purulent inflamma- tion and necrosis, followed by death, in chickens and pigeons. Source : Isolated from an epidemic abscess of chickens. Habitat: Found in domestic fowls; not common. 7. Sphaerophoriis ridiculosus Prevot, 1948. (Ann. Inst. Past., 75, 1948, 387.)'sus. L. adj. ridiculosus laugh- able, droll. Extremely pleomorphic rods, especially on initial isolation and when subject to the action of penicillin; the most frequent form is a round mass, 3 to 4 microns in diameter, bearing two rod-shaped appendices which are diametrically opposed or which form an obtuse angle with each other; in old cultures the predominant forms are straight or curved rods, 0.8 by 2.5 to 10.0 microns, the short forms often showing bipolar staining. Non-motile. Robinow's procedures show what appears to be a conjugation of cells with a true nuclear cycle. Gram-negative. Much gas and slight odor are produced. Gelatin : No liquefaction. Agar stab: Lenticular colonies; abundant gas. Glucose bouillon: Rapid and abundant turbidity; abundant gas; fetid odor. Peptone broth: Turbid; gas. Milk: Coagulated in 5 days. Coagulated proteins: Not attacked. Indole and skatole not produced. Hydrogen sulfide slightly produced. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, mal- tose and galactose are attacked. Glycerol is not utilized. Starch is feebly attacked. Ammonia (0.04 g) and a volatile acid (0.096 g of acetic and butyric acids) are produced (per 100 cc of culture). Lactic acid is produced. Acetylmethylcarbinol not produced. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Neutral red is reduced. Anaerobic. Optimum temperature, 37° C. Neither toxin nor hemolysin produced. Pathogenicity: Lesions not produced in mice or guinea pigs. Source : Isolated from a lesion in a j aw un- successfully treated with penicillin. Habitat: Found in human lesions; prob- ably more widely distributed than this. 8. Sphaerophorus gulosus (Eggerth andGagnon, 1933) Prevot, 1938. {Bacteroides gulosus Eggerth and Gagnon, Jour. Bact., £5, 1933, 398; Prevot, Ann. Inst. Past., 60, 1938, 298.) gu.lo'sus. L. adj. gulosus gluttonous. Small, elliptical rods, 0.8 to 1.0 by 1.0 to 2.0 microns, on blood agar plates; in addi- tion to these elliptical forms, small cocci, rods with marked bipolar staining, swollen rods 2 to 3 by 3 to 4 microns, and longer rods up to 6 microns occur in glucose broth. Non- motile. Stain deeper around periphery. Gram-negative. Gelatin: Liquefaction in 2 to 3 weeks. Blood agar colonies: Soft, gray, entire, elevated, 2 mm in diameter. Broth: Heavy and diffuse growth. Milk: Acidified and coagulated in 4 to 20 days. Indole is produced. Hydrogen sulfide is produced. Acid and a very small amount of gas from esculin, amj-gdalin, arabinose, cellobiose, dextrin, fructose, galactose, glycogen, in- ulin, lactose, glucose, maltose, mannitol, mannose, melezitose, raffinose, rhamnose, salicin, sorbitol, starch, sucrose, trehalose and xylose. Sorbitol and mannitol require 2 to 3 weeks for fermentation. Neither acid nor gas from glycerol, dulcitol, erythritol or inositol. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Peptone: No gas. Anaerobic. Non-pathogenic for white mice or rabbits.