Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/513

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Aerobic and facultatively anaerobic. Rarely niicroaerophilic. Found in dairy products, soil, salt- and fresh-water and decomposing substances of a great variety of types. The type species is Brevibacierium linens (Weigniann) Breed. Key to the species of genus Brevibacterium. I. Non-motile. A. Red, rose, yellow, brownish yellow or orange pigmentation produced on agar. 1. Red or rose chromogenesis. a. Litmus milk slowly digested; becomes alkaline with a yellow sediment. 1. Brevibacierium linens. aa. Litmus milk slowly digested; becomes alkaline with a clear, reddish fluid. 2. Brevibacterium eryihrogenes . 2. Yellow to brownish yellow or orange chromogenesis. a. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. b. Orange-red chromogenesis on agar. 3. Brevibacterium fulvum. bb. Light greenish yellow chromogenesis on agar. 4. Brevibacterium insectiphilium. bbb. Surface colonies flesh-colored. Deep colonies brown. 5. Brevibacterium brunneum. aa. Nitrites produced from nitrates. b. Pale lemon-yellow to orange-yellow chromogenesis on agar. c. Pale lemon-yellow chromogenesis on agar. 6. Brevibacterium vitarumen. cc. Orange-yellow chromogenesis on agar. 7. Brevibacterium maris. bb. Brownish yellow to pale greenish yellow chromogenesis on agar. 8. Brevibacterium fuscum. B. White, grayish white or gray on agar. 1. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. a. Require agar made with sea water for initial growth, b. Gelatin not liquefied. 9. Brevibacterium minutiferula. bb. Gelatin liquefied. c. Acid produced from maltose; found associated with marine seden- tary organisms. d. Gelatin colonies irregular and sunken. 10. Brevibacterium sociovivum. dd. Gelatin colonies circular and raised. 11. Brevibacterium immotum. cc. Acid not produced from maltose; found on the skin of marine fish. 12. Brevibacterium marinopiscosum. aa. Does not require agar made with sea water for initial growth. 13. Brevibacterium tegumenticola. 2. Nitrites produced from nitrates. a. Requires agar made with sea water for initial growth. 14. Brevibacterium stationis. aa. Do not require agar made with sea water for initial growth. b. Gelatin liquefied. 15. Brevibacterium quale. bb. Gelatin not liquefied. 16. Brevibacterium ammoniagenes .