Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/523

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Indole not produced. Hydrogen sulfide not produced. Acid but no gas from glucose, sucrose, fructose, mannose and maltose. No fermen- tation of lactose, rhamnose, galactose, mannitol, dulcitol, inositol or sorbitol. Acetylmethylcarbinol not produced. Starch not hydrolyzed. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Microaerophilic. Source: Isolated from the ovaries of the lyreman cicada, Tihicen linnet Smith and Grossbeck. Habitat: Unknown.

19. Brevibacterium imperiale (Stein- haus, 1941) Breed, 1953. {Bacterium im- periale Steinhaus, Jour. Bact., 42, 1941, 777; Breed, Riassunti delle Comunicazioni, VI Congresso Internaz. di Microbiol., Roma, 1 , 1953, 14; also see Atti del VI Congresso Internaz. di Microbiol., Roma, /, 1955, 13.)'e. L. adj. imperialis imperial; from specific epithet of name of insect host. Small rods, 0.5 to 0.8 by 1.0 to 1.7 microns, occurring singly and in pairs. A few cells are motile in young cultures. Monotrichous; occasionally the flagellum is lateral (Steinhaus, personal communication, 1955). Gram-positive. Gelatin stab: No liquefaction. Agar colonies: Circular, entire, almost translucent, pinkish orange to yellow pig- ment. Agar slant: Filiform, glistening, opaque growth. Broth: Slight to moderate turbidity; slight sediment. Litmus milk: No change at first, later slightly acid. Potato: Heavy, glistening, moist growth; reddish to yellowish orange. Indole not produced. Hydrogen sulfide not produced. Acid but no gas from glucose, sucrose, maltose, fructose, mannitol, galactose, arabinose, xylose, salicin, raffinose, tre- halose, sorbitol, mannose, adonitol and esculin, and slight acid from lactose and dextrin. Inulin, dulcitol, glycerol, rham- nose, adonitol and inositol not fermented. Starch not hydrolyzed. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Aerobic. Source: Isolated from the alimentary tract of the imperial moth, Eacles imperialis Dru. Habitat: Unknown.

20. Brevibacterium lipolyticum (Huss, 1908) Breed, 1953. (Bactridiutn lipolyticum Huss, Cent. f. Bakt., II Abt., 20, 1908, 474; Breed, Riassunti delle Communicazioni, VI Congresso Internaz. di Microbiol., Roma, /, 1953, 14; also see Atti del VI Congresso Internaz. di Microbiol., Roma, 1, 1955, 14.)'ti.cum. Gr. noun lipus animal fat; Gr. adj. lyticus dissolving; M.L. adj. lipolyticus fat-dissolving. Small, coccoid rods, 0.3 to 0.5 by 0.7 to 1.4 microns, occasionally as long as 3.5 mi- crons. Cells coccoid on gelatin media, form- ing chains resembling those of the strepto- cocci. Motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Gram-positive. Gelatin colonies: Circular, grayish to transparent with irregular margin. Gelatin stab: Infundibuliform liquefac- tion. Agar colonies: Circular, gray, smooth, butyrous, glistening, entire. Old colonies brownish yellow. Whey agar: Growth on surface and along the stab; surface growth maj^ become faintly yellowish. Whey: Heavy turbidity at 20° C; forms a heavy precipitate after 8 days. Broth: Turbid; granular sediment. Litmus milk: Coagulated, peptonized and becoming alkaline. Potato: Moist, glistening, yellowish white growth. Acid from glucose, sucrose, raffinose, xy- lose, mannitol and glycerol. Lactose not fermented. Indole reaction faint. Hydrogen sulfide not produced. Fats are split in milk, giving rise to a rancid odor and a bitter taste. Reduction of nitrates questionable. Aerobic, facultatively anaerobic. Temperature relations: Optimum, 35° C. Growth at 14° but not above 45° C. Comments: This species is definitely not Bacterium lipolyticum Evans (Jour. Inf. Dis., 22, 1918, 576). The latter organism is a