Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/56

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2. Cells in trichomes.

Order VI. Caryophanales, p. 830.

B. Not as above.
1. Cells rigid and may grow out into a branching mycelium-like structure which may even develop chains of aerial conidia giving colonies a superficial resemblance to mold colonies. In two genera spores develop within sporangia (sporangiospores), and in one of these genera the spores are motile. Where cells occur singly or in simple branched forms, they are frequently acid-fast.

Order V. Actinomycetales, p. 694.

2. Not as above.
a. Cells rigid, usually large and may occur as coccoid cells or trichomes. Sulfur granules may occur on the surface or within the cells. Move by a gliding, oscillating or rolling, jerky motion like that of some blue-green algae. No flagella present.

Order VII. Beggiatoales, p. 837.

aa. Not as above.
b. Longer or shorter flexuous cells.
c. Cells flexuous, creeping on a substrate. Frequently pointed at both ends. Fruiting bodies are usually developed from a thin spreading colony (pseudoplasmodium). Slime bacteria.

Order VIII. Myxobacterales, p. 854.

cc. Cells in the form of longer or shorter spirals. Swim freely by flexion of cells.

Order IX. Spirochaetales, p. 892.

bb. Non-motile, highly pleomorphic organisms of a very delicate character. Possess filterable stages.

Order X. Mycoplasmatales, p. 914.