Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/589

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Gas produced in culture media. Gelatin: No liquefaction. Deep agar colonies: Lenticular, 2 to 3 mm in diameter. Abundant gas is produced. Aromatic odor. Glucose broth: Flaky growth which pre- cipitates forming a viscous mass. Gas is produced. Milk: No coagulation. Coagulated proteins not attacked. Indole produced in trace amounts. Acid and gas from glucose, fructose, galac- tose and lactose. Ammonia, alcohol, acetone, acetylmethyl- carbinol and formic, butyric and lactic acids are produced. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Neutral red reduced. Anaerobic. Optimum temperature, between 37° and 41° C. Pathogenic for guinea pigs, causing death in 8 days. Source: Isolated from a case of pulmonary gangrene; also from soil from Equatorial Africa. Habitat: Found in the human respiratory system. Uncommon. 2. Cillobacterium endocarditidis Pre- vot, 1938. (Bacille BG, Routier and Braun- berger, Compt. rend. Soc. Biol., Paris, 115, 1934, 611; Cillobacterium endocarditis (sic) Prevot, Ann. Inst. Past., 60, 1938, 296.)'ti.dis. Gr. pref. endo within; Gr. noun cardia heart; Gr. suffix -itis dis- ease of; M.L. noun endocardium heart lin- ing; M.L. gen.n. endocarditidis of endo- carditis. Pleomorphic rods. Actively motile. Gram- positive. Gas produced in culture media. Gelatin: Liquefaction in 2 to 5 days. Deep agar colonies: Lenticular. Gas is produced. Glucose broth: Turbid. Sediment. Gas is produced. Peptone broth: Poor growth. Milk: No change. Coagulated proteins not attacked. Acid and gas from glucose, fructose, malt- ose, sucrose and arabinose. Neutral red not reduced. Anaerobic. Optimum temperature, 37° C. Toxin is produced. Pathogenic for guinea pigs, causing death in 2 to 6 days. Source: Isolated from the blood in a case of febrile endocarditis. Habitat: Probably the natural body cavi- ties of man. Uncommon. 3. Cillobacterium meningitidis Prevot, 1938. (Stamm S.V., Ghon, Mucha and Miiller, Cent. f. Bakt., I Abt., Orig., 41, 1906, 145 and 693; Cillobacterium meningitis (sic) Prevot, Ann. Inst. Past., 60, 1938, 297.)'ti.dis. Gr. fem.n. m,eninx, me- ningis the membrane enclosing the brain; M.L. fem.n. meningitis inflammation of the meninges; fem. gen.n. meningitidis of menin- gitis. Pleomorphic rods, occurring sometimes as ovoids, 1.5 to 3.5 microns long, with rounded ends, and at other times as fila- ments with spindle-shaped swellings. Ac- tively motile. Show bipolar staining. Gram- positive. Gas produced in culture media. Gelatin: Cloudy turbidity. Slow liquefac- tion. Gas is produced. Deep agar colonies: Mulberry-like, sur- rounded by small, satellite colonies. Gas is produced. Glucose broth: Turbid. Flaky sediment. Gas is produced. Peptone broth: Turbid. Flaky sediment. Milk: No coagulation. Gas is produced. Coagulated proteins not attacked. Indole is produced. Hydrogen sulfide is produced. Ethanol and butyric, acetic and lactic acids are produced. Neutral red reduced. Anaerobic. Grows at temperatures from 22° to 37° C. Grows at pH 7.8 to 8.5. Pathogenic for guinea pigs and rabbits. Source: Isolated from a fatal case of puru- lent meningitis of otic origin. Habitat: Unknown. 4. Cillobacterium tenue (Bergey et al., 1923) Clise, comb. nov. (Bacillus tenuis spatu- liformis Distaso, Cent. f. Bakt., I Abt.,