Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/595

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480) reports that this species may or may not ferment lactose and may or may not produce acid from esculin and salicin. Pantothenic acid and biotin, but not para-aminobenzoic acid, are growth re- quirements; thiamine is required by some strains, but other strains, while not requir- ing this vitamin, find it stimulating for growth (Delwiche, Jour. Bact., 58, 1949, 396). Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Catalase-positive. Less anaerobic than Propionibacteriiun Jreudenreichii and Propionihacterium sher- nianii. Distinctive characters : Closely resembles Propionihacterium rubrum in morphology and in the production of brownish red pig- ment under aerobic and anaerobic condi- tions. Differs from this species in its inabil- ity to ferment rafiinose and mannitol, whereas fermentation of sorbitol occurs. The biochemical characteristics of a ten- year-old stock culture have remained un- changed. Source: Isolated from cheese and butter- milk. Habitat: Dairy products. 5. Propionibacterium zeae Hitchner, 1932. (Jour. Bact., £S, 1932, 40; also see ibid., 28, 1934, 473.) ze'ae. Gr. fem.n. zia spelt; M.L. fem.n. Zea generic name of maize; M.L. gen.noun zeae of maize. Cells in neutral lactate media spherical, 0.8 micron in diameter, usually occurring in short chains. In carbohydrate media which turn acid during development, the cells are distinctly rod-shaped, 0.8 by 2.0 to 3.0 microns, with a slight tendency to- wards the formation of club-shaped forms. Appearance typically diphtheroid. Aerobic growth occurs as irregular, club-shaped and branched rods. Non-motile. Show meta- chromatic granules. Gram-positive. Yeast-gelatin-lactate-stab: I^o liquefac- tion. Yeast-agar-lactate-stab : Cream-colored growth in stab with distinct surface growth of same color. Liquid media: Distinctly turbid; cream- colored; smooth sediment; very ropy. Litmus milk: Coagulated; acid. Indole not produced. Ferments lactic and pyruvic acids, glyc- erol, dihydroxyacetone, 1-arabinose, rham- nose, glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, sucrose, cellobiose, maltose, lactose and mannitol with the production of propionic and acetic acids and carbon dioxide. Acid from salicin. No acid from d-arabi- nose, dextrin, dulcitol, glycogen, inulin, starch or xylose. Pantothenic acid and biotin are required for growth; thiamine and para-aminoben- zoic acid, although not required, are growth- stimulating (Delwiche, Jour. Bact., 58, 1949, 396). Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Catalase-positive, especially when grown in neutral media. Less anaerobic than Propionibacterium freudenreichii and Propionibacterium sher- manii. Distinctive characters: Cream-colored surface growth and ability to ferment 1-arabinose and rhamnose but not d-arabi- nose or xylose. Source: Not definitely recorded, but prob- ably isolated from silage. Habitat: Dairy products. 6. Propionibacterium technicuni van Niel, 1928. (The Propionic Acid Bacteria, Haarlem, 1928, 164.) tech'ni.cum. Gr. adj. technicus technical. In neutral media spherical cells, 0.8 mi- cron in diameter, occur in pairs and in short chains. In acid media short rods, 0.6 by 1.0 to 1.5 microns, occur, often in pairs, with a typical diphtheroid appearance. Aerobic growth occurs in the form of irregular, long rods, swollen and branched. Non-motile. Show metachromatic granules. Gram-posi- tive. Yeast-gelatin-lactate-stab: No liquefac- tion. Yeast-agar-lactate-stab : Cream-colored development in stab with distinct yellow surface growth. Liquid media: Turbid in early stages; cream-colored, somewhat flocculent sedi- ment. Litmus milk: Coagulation, acid. Indole not produced.