Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/602

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bb. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. c. Grow on ordinary agar, d. Grows on potato. 3. Corynehacterium hoagii. dd. Growth on potato doubtful if at all. e. Good growth on plain gelatin. 4. Corynehacterium striatum. ee. Poor or slight growth on plain gelatin. f. Yellow growth on Loeffler's blood serum. 5. Corynehacterium pseudotuberculosis . ff. Grayish growth on Loeffler's blood serum. 6. Corynebacierium xerosis. CO. Does not grow on ordinary agar. 7. Corynebacterium pyogenes. aa. Not known to attack man. b. Do not attack seals. Pathogenic for mice. c. Grow on potato. d. Acid from lactose, sucrose and mannitol. 8. Corynebacterium murisepticum. dd. No acid from lactose, sucrose or mannitol. 9. Corynebacterium renale. cc. Does not grow on potato. 10. Corynebacterium kutscheri. bb. Attacks seals. 11. Corynebacterium. phocae. 2. No acid from carbohydrates. a. Nitrites produced from nitrates. b. Creamy white growth on potato. From apparently normal human throats. 12. Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum. bb. Tan, yellow or pink growth on potato. From infectious pneumonia of foals. 13. Corynebacterium equi. aa. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. 14. Corynehacterium hovis. B. From invertebrates. Non-motile. 1. From insects. No acid from carbohydrates. Slow liquefaction of gelatin. 15. Corynehacteriuyn paurometaholum. 2. From leeches. No acid from carbohydrates. No liquefaction of gelatin. a. Slender rods with no tendency to develop filamentous forms. 16. Corynehacterium nephridii. aa. Slender rods that develop into filaments 30 or more microns in length. 17. Conjnebacterium vesiculare. II. From plant sources. A. N on -motile. 1. Nitrites not produced from nitrates, a. Colonies cream-colored. b. Slow liquefaction of gelatin. c. Bluish granules in growth on ordinary media. Attacks alfalfa. 18. Corynehacterium insidiosum. cc. No bluish granules. Causes ring-rot of potatoes. 19. Corynebacterium sepedonicum. bb. No liquefaction of gelatin. 20. Corynebacterium humiferum.