Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/627

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605' L. noun flavus yellow; L. v. gigno to produce; M.L. adj. fiavigenus yellow-producing. Angular rods, 0.4 to 0.6 by 0.7 to 1.8 mi- crons, occasionally curved, clubbed or branched. Non-motile. Gram-variable. Gelatin agar: Gelatin hydrolyzed. Gelatin stab: Slow liquefaction. Agar slant: Smooth, glistening, opaque, j^ellow growth. Broth: Uniformlj^ turbid. Filter paper in 0.5 per cent peptone broth: Paper strip reduced to a pulpy mass or weakened sufficiently so that the fibers separate on slight agitation. Potato: Smooth, creamy yellow growth. Acid from glucose, lactose, sucrose, malt- ose and starch. Acetylmethylcarbinol not produced. Starch is hydrolyzed. Nitrites produced from nitrates. Ammonia not produced. Aerobic, facultatively anaerobic. Optimum temperature, between 28° and 33° C. Source: Isolated from a mixed culture and from soil. Habitat: Widely distributed in soil. 9. Cellulonionas uda (Kellerman et al., 1913) Bergey et al., 1923. {Bacterium udum Kellerman, McBeth, Scales and Smith, Cent. f. Bakt., II Abt., 39, 1913, 514; Bergey et al., Manual, 1st ed., 1923, 166.) u'da. L. adj. udus moist, wet. Cells 0.5 by 1.0 to 1.5 microns. Non-mo- tile. Gram-negative. Gelatin agar: Gelatin hydrolyzed. Gelatin stab: Slow liquefaction. Agar slant: Moderate, flat, grayish white growth. Broth: Uniformly turbid. Filter paper in 0.5 per cent peptone broth : Paper strip reduced to a pulpy mass or weakened sufficiently so that the fibers separate on slight agitation. Potato: Good growth. Acid from glucose, fructose, maltose, lactose, sucrose and starch; acid production variable with .xylose and arabinose. Acetylmethylcarbinol not produced. Starch is hydrolyzed. Nitrites produced from nitrates. Aerobic, facultatively anaerobic. Optimum temperature, between 28° and 33° C. Source: Isolated from compost from Vir- ginia. Habitat: Soil. 10. Cellulonionas acidula (Kellerman et al., 1913) Bergey et al., 1923. (Bacterium aciduhim Kellerman, McBeth, Scales and Smith, Cent. f. Bakt., II Abt., 39, 1913, 513; Bergey et al., Manual, 1st ed., 1923, 167.)' L. dim. adj. acidulus somewhat sour. Cells 0.3 to 0.4 by 1.0 to 1.3 microns. Non- motile. Gram-negative. Gelatin stab: Growth scant; liquefaction usually not apparent. Agar slant: Slight to moderate or abun- dant grayish growth. Cellulose agar: Variable enzymatic zones around colonies. Broth: Slightly turbid. Potato: No apparent growth. Acid from glucose; other sugars weakly or variably fermented. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Ammonia not produced. Aerobic, facultatively anaerobic. Optimum temperature, between 28° and 33° C. Source: Isolated from soil from Utah. Habitat: Soil. Genus VI. Arthrobacter Conn and Dimmick, 19^7 * (Jour. Bact., J4, 1947, 300.) Ar.thro.bac'ter. Gr. noun arthrus a joint; M.L. mas.n. bacter the masculine equivalent of the Gr. neut.n. hactrum a rod; M.L. mas.n. Arthrobacter a jointed rod. Buchanan, Cowan and Wik^n (Internat. Bull. Bact. Nomen. and Taxon., 5, 1955, 83)

  • Prepared by Dr. A. G. Lochhead, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada, July,
