Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/666

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Glucose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, glyc- erol, raffinose and salicin fermented. No action on dulcitol or mannitol. Action on inulin variable. Starch agar: Strong diastatic action. Coagulated albumin: No digestion. Blood agar surface colonies; Similar to those on glucose agar; definite hemolytic zone (Stoddard, Lancet, 1, 1919, 12). Chopped meat medium: Extensive gas production without change in color or with- out digestion. Anaerobic. Optimum temperature, 37° C. Apparently not pathogenic for rabbits except in combination with Clostridium sporogenes. Source: Isolated from a human muscle infected with gas gangrene (Stoddard, Lan- cet, 1, 1919, 12), from fermented olives (Gil- illand and Vaughn, Jour. Bact., ^6, 1943, 315) and from spoiled chocolate candy (Hill, op. cit., 1925, 413). Habitat: Unknown. 5. Clostridium iodophilum Svartz, 1935. {Clostridium butyricum iodophilum Svartz, Jour. Inf. Dis., 47, 1930, 149; Svartz, Acta Med. Scand., Supp., 78, 1935, 434; also see Sjolander and McCoy, Zent. f. Bakt., II Abt., 97, 1937, 314.)'phi.lum. Or. noun ium the violet; M.L. noun iodinum iodine; Gr. adj. philus loving; M.L. adj. iodophihim iodine-loving. Rods, 0.5 to 0.8 by 3.0 to 6.0 microns, with rounded ends. Ovoid spores, eccentric to subterminal, swell the cells. Clostridia measure 1.5 by 4.0 microns. Motile. Granu- lose-positive. Gram-positive. Gelatin: No liquefaction. Glucose calcium carbonate agar colonies: Lens- or star-shaped, white, small, gummy. Glucose blood agar surface colonies: Round or slightly angular, brown to grayish white, shiny. No hemolj^sis. Agar slants: Sparse growth. Milk: Rapid curdling; stormy fermenta- tion. Fructose, galactose, salicin, sucrose, lac- tose, arabinose, glucose, glycerol, esculin, maize starch and pectin are fermented. Dul- citol, cellulose, amygdalin and Ca-lactate are not fermented. Fermentation variable for inulin and mannitol. Fermentation of glucose yields, in addi- tion to acetic and butyric acids, butyl and ethyl alcohols and acetone but not iso- propyl alcohol. Nitrites not produced from nitrates. Coagulated albumin : Action not recorded; assumed negative. Brain media: No blackening. Anaerobic. Optimum temperature, 37° C. Source : Isolated from the feces of man and from fertile soil. Habitat : Found in the intestinal tract of man . 6. Clostridium gummosum Spray, 1947. (Jour. Bact., 54, 1947, 15; also see ibid., 55, 1948, 841.) gum. mo 'sum. L. adj. gummosus full of gum, gummy. Rods, 0.8 to 1.0 by 4.0 to 8.0 microns, oc- curring singly and in pairs but not in chains. Sporulation active at 24 to 48 hours; spores are eccentric to chiefly subterminal, large, ovoid to elongate, markedly swelling the cells. Moderately motile, increasing in ac- tivity up to 48 hours. Gram reaction not recorded; implied positive. Gelatin (or iron-gelatin) : No liquefaction or blackening at 19 days. Agar surface colonies (anaerobic) : Large, round, convex, entire, very glistening, mu- coid. Agar deep colonies: Large lenticular to buckwheat. White to creamy; very viscid to rubbery mucoid; entire colony dissected from the medium or dragged unbroken by needle through 2 per cent agar (subsurface colonies). Milk (with iron-strip) : Slow fermentation, with a stream of fine gas bubbles; coagula- tion at 18 to 20 hours, with the coagulum torn and forced to the surface. No digestion or blackening even upon prolonged incuba- tion. Indole not produced. Hydrogen sulfide not produced in lead acetate agar or peptone iron agar. Acid and gas from glucose, maltose, galac- tose and mannitol. Lactose more slowly