Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/703

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Iridium felsineuni Bergey et al. in that it oxidizes pigment to purplish brown. Source: Isolated from German maize. Habitat: Probably occurs in soil. 72. Clostridium chroniogenes Prevot, 1938. (Chromogenic anaerobe, Ghon and Mucha, Cent. f. Bakt., I Abt., Orig., 4^, 1906, 406; Bacillus anaerobius chromogenes LeBlaye and Guggenheim, Man. Prat. d. Diag. Bact., 1914, 321; Prevot, Ann. Inst. Past., 61, 1938, 85.)'ge.nes. Gr. noun chroma color; Gr. V. gennaio to produce; M.L. adj. chromo- genes color-producing. Straight to slightly curved, coccoid to elongated rods, moderately sized, with rounded to slightly pointed ends, occurring singly, in pairs, in short chains and in long, curved to coiled filaments. Spores abun- dant, ovoid, central, subterminal, appar- ently terminal at maturation, swelling the cells to clubs and Clostridia. Encapsulated, especially in serum media. Motile by means of many peritrichous flagella. Granulose- negative with iodine solution. Gram-posi- tive. Gelatin: Liquefaction in 48 hours. Diffuse turbidity; clearing with abundant, whitish gray sediment which later becomes red to violet-red. Upper (1 cm) layer shows diffuse, red pigment. Plain agar (without peptone) : Deep growth is sparse. Pigment not produced in absence of peptone. Glucose agar surface colonies (anaerobic) : Same as for blood agar. Growth slightly less profuse. Glucose agar deep colonies: Grayish white, multi-lobate; dense centers and den- dritic, tufted edges. Growth begins about 1 cm below surface. Gas abundantly pro- duced. Diffuse, red pigment appears in superficial layers after 4 to 5 days. Blood agar surface colonies (anaerobic) : Grayish, moist, shining, flat; edges lobate with finely dendritic-tufted edges. Hemoly- sis. Glucose meat-infusion broth: Abundant, diffuse turbidity with much gas. Gradual, profuse sedimentation, but with prolonged turbidity. Peptone water: Growth variable; some- times fails. At best, moderate turbidity and sediment. No gas. Synthetic fluid media (Uschinskj% etc.): No growth (unless peptone is added). Growth is proportionate to added peptone. Milk: Spongy coagulation after 3 to 4 days. Abundant gas. Turbid, yellowish whey is expressed. Casein clot gradually digested in 4 to 5 weeks. Fecal odor. Potato slant (anaerobic) : Growth deli- cate, shining, grayish yellow. Fecal odor. Indole not produced. Hydrogen sulfide abundantly produced. Acid and gas from sucrose, lactose, fruc- tose, maltose, galactose and mannitol (Pre- vot, Man. d. Class, et d. Determ. d. Bact. Ana6r. 1948, 191). Coagulated albumin, hydrocoele and as- citic-fluids: Digestion and blackening, with moderate gas production with fecal odor. When covered with agar, the agar plug shows diffuse, red pigmentation. Anaerobic. Grows well at 21° and at 37° C. Weakly pathogenic for white mice and guinea pigs. Produces hemorrhagic serous peritonitis after intraperitoneal inocula- tion. Death due apparently to a weak toxin. Virulence increased by animal passage. Distinctive character: Produces a red pigmentation which is increased on addi- tion of chlorine- or of bromine-water. Al- though produced by an anaerobe, the pig- ment appears only in the aerated zone and depends on the peptone content of the me- dium. Source : Isolated from the pus of a human perinephritic abscess. Habitat: Not determined. 73. Clostridium corallinum Prevot and Raynaud, 1944. (Ann. Inst. Past., 70, 1944, 184.)'num. L. adj. corallinus coral-red. Long rods, 0.8 by 3.0 to 4.0 microns, with rounded ends, occurring singly, in pairs or in short chains. Subterminal spores, 1.0 by 1.5 to 2.0 microns, swelling the cells. Motile by means of peritrichous flagella. Gram- positive. Gelatin: Liquefaction in 48 hours. Glucose agar deep colonies: Woolly or