Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/735

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lar to each other. It is noteworthy that two man and Henrici. This culture was secured of the red chromogenic species of Mj/cococcws by Breed from the Krdl collection in 1923 described above show a tetrad arrangement and differs from a culture (No. 2682) carried of cells. for a time in the Nat. Coll. Type Cultures Gordon (personal communication, 195-4) in London that came from the Amer. Mus. reports that she finds an apparently authen- Nat. Hist. Coll. (Culture 184), origin un- tie culture of Rhodococcus rhodochrous Zopf known, to be identical with Nocardia corallina Waks- Habitat : Water. FAMILY II. ACTINOMYCETACEAE BUCHANAN, 1918.* (Jour. Bact., 3, 1918, 403.)' M.L. mas.n. Actinomyces type genus of the family; -aceae end- ing to denote a family; M.L. pi. noun Actinomycetaceae the Actinomyces family. Mycelium is non-septate during the early stages of growth but later may become septate and break up into short segments, rod-shaped or spherical in shape, or the mycelium may remain non-septate and produce spores on aerial hyphae. The organisms in culture media are either colorless or produce various pigments. Some species are partially acid-fast. This family is distinguished from the previous one by the formation of a true mycelium. As com- pared with the next family, it is characterized by the manner of .spore formation. Key to the genera of family Actinomycetaceae. I. Obligately aerobic. The colonies are bacteria-like in nature, smooth, rough or folded, of a soft to a dough-like consistency, sometimes compact and leathery in young stages. Most forms do not produce any aerial mycelium; a few produce a limited mycelium, the branches of which also break up into oidiospores or segmentation spores. Some species are partially acid-fast. Genus I. Nocardia, p. 713. II. Anaerobic or microaerophilic; parasitic; non-acid-fast, non-proteolytic and non-dia- static. Genus II. Actinomyces, p. 742. Genus I. Nocardia Trevisan, 1889. (Trevisan, I generi e le specie delle Batteriacee, 1889, 9; Proactinomyces Jensen, Proc. Linn. Soc. New So. Wales, 56, 1931, 345; Asteroides Puntoni and Leonardi, Boll. e. Atti d. R. Accad. Med., 61, 1935, 90.)'di.a. M.L. fem.n. Nocardia named for Prof. Edmund Nocard, who first des- cribed the type species of this genus. Slender filaments or rods, frequently swollen and occasionally branched, forming a my- celium which, after reaching a certain size, assumes the appearance of bacterium-like growths. Shorter rods and coccoid forms are found in older cultures. Conidia not formed. Stain readily, occasionally showing a slight degree of acid-fastness. Non-motile. f No endo-

  • Completely revised by Prof. S. A. Waksman, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New-

Jersey, March, 1953. t H. L. Jensen (Symposium on Actinomycetales, VI Internat. Cong. Microbiol., Rome, 1953, Istituto Superiore di Sanita) comments on motility in nocardias as follows (unimpor- tant editorial changes have been made in the text, such as the use of the term "nocardias" for "proactinomycetes") : "Motility in the nocardias seems first to have been alleged in Nocardia asteroides by Ep-