Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/755

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Gelatin: Abundant, minute colonies in depths and larger cream-colored ones on surface with white aerial mycelium; brown pigment surrounding growth. No liquefac- tion. Agar colones: Round, lobate, umbili- cated, raised up, cream-colored to pale pink; later, medium discolored dark brown, colonies colorless. Glucose agar: Convoluted, coherent, cream-colored growth; medium discolored. After 23 days, wrinkled, biscuit-colored growth; colorless margin; border white aerial mycelium; medium dark brown. Glycerol agar: Dull, mealy, pink, wrinkled growth; scant white aerial myce- lium at top; medium slightly discolored. Coon's agar: Minute, colorless colonies in streaks. Potato agar: Small, round, lemon-colored colonies, partly confluent, with white aerial mycelium; later medium discolored light brown; submerged growth greenish. Dorset's egg medium: Extensive, color- less growth, pale pink aerial mycelium in center; later covered with a powdery, pink- ish white aerial mycelium. Serum agar colonies: Irregular, small, elevated, cream-colored, frequently um- bilicated. Inspissated serum: Poor growth; small piled up pink mass. Broth: Abundant colorless growth; floc- culent mass at bottom and pellicle at sur- face; medium slightly discolored. Synthetic sucrose solution: Small, white colonies with pinkish tinge on surface; lesser bottom growth. Milk: Coagulation; yellow surface ring; becoming partly peptonized; liquid dis- colored dark brown; brownish growth up side of tube. Litmus milk: Colorless growth; liquid partly decolorized; coagulation; later partly digested. Carrot plug: Small, round, colorless colo- nies; velvety white aerial mycelium; in 2 months, piled up, pink, granular mass with warted prominences; marginal zone white aerial mycelium and thin all-over central aerial mycelium. Source : Isolated from a human pulmonary case of streptothricosis. Habitat: Unknown. 31. Nocardia caviae Snijders, 1924. (Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind., 6^, 1924, 47 and 75.) ca' M.L. noun Cavia generic name of the cavy, or guinea pig. Description taken from Erikson (Med. Res. Council Spec. Rept. Ser. 203, 1935, 32). Initial segmentation, producing elements of approximately even diameter arranged in angular apposition, and later long pro- fusely ramifying threads with strongly re- fractile protoplasm. Aerial mycelium straight and branching, the aerial hyphae with occasional coiled tips divided into cylindrical conidia. Gelatin: A few colorless flakes. No lique- faction. Glucose agar: Piled up, convoluted, cream-colored to pale pink growth; white aerial mycelium. Glycerol agar: Scant growth. Coon's agar: Colorless, scant growth, partly submerged, white aerial mycelium. Potato agar: Colorless, spreading growth with dense white aerial mycelium. Dorset's egg medium: Heavily corru- gated pale pink growth with submerged margin and dense white aerial mycelium in center; after 3 weeks, colorless, transpired drops. Serum agar: Pale pink, wrinkled growth, partly submerged; after 4 weeks, piled up with scant white aerial mycelium; medium discolored reddish brown. Inspissated serum: Pale pink, raised growth; coiled, white aerial mycelium. Broth: Cream-colored, wrinkled surface pellicle extending up wall and breaking easily; moderate bottom growth, flaky; medium discolored. Synthetic sucrose solution: Round, white colonies in suspension and attached to one side of tube; pink surface colonies with white aerial mycelium. Milk: Colorless surface growth; white aerial mycelium; coagulation. Litmus milk: Liquid blue, surface growth; after 1 month, white aerial mycelium, color- less sediment, liquid still blue. Potato plug: Small, colorless colonies;