Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/768

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5. Growth yellow to greenish or orange-colored; soluble pigment yellow to golden yellow. ai. Growth yellow to green; pigment insoluble. 14. Streptomyces vir gains. a^. Growth sulfur-yellow; soluble pigment yellow, bi. Conidia ellipsoidal. c^ Aerial mycelium white. 15. Streptomyces flaveolus. c". Aerial mycelium light yellow. 16. Streptomyces parvus. 0^ Aerial mycelium white to gray to reddish gray. 17. Streptomyces xanthophaeus . b^. Conidia spherical; cellulose decomposed. 18. Streptomyces cellulosae. a^ Growth reddish brown to orange-colored to cinnamon-drab, covered with white to gray aerial mycelium; soluble pigment on synthetic media yellowish. b'. Soluble pigment yellow. No liquefaction of gelatin. 19. Streptomyces rimosus. b^. Faint yellowish coloration of liquefied gelatin. IVIilk rapidly peptonized. 20. Streptomyces griseoflavus. b^ Soluble pigment golden yellow. 21. Streptomyces aureofaciens. a^. Growth cream-colored to brown; aerial mycelium white to yel- lowish, b^. Soluble pigment yellow to yellow-orange. 22. Streptomyces alhidoflavus. b^. Soluble pigment yellowish to yellow-green. c^ Aerial mycelium white to yellow. 23. Streptomyces lieskei. c^. Aerial mycelium gray. d^ Growth on synthetic agar yellowish green. 24. Streptomyces flavovirens. d^. Growth on synthetic agar j^ellow; produces soluble yellow pigment on Ca-malate-glycerol agar. 25. Streptomyces celluloflavus . d^. Growth on glucose-asparagine agar yellow, becoming black. 26. Streptomyces limosus. 6. Growth cream-colored; soluble pigment yellowish brown to reddish brown. 27. Streptomyces griseoluteus . 7. Growth coral-red; aerial mycelium scant, white; soluble pigment brown. a'. Gelatin rapidly liquefied. 28. Streptomyces hohiliae. a^. Gelatin slowly liquefied. 29. Streptomyces aurantiacus. 8. Growth on synthetic media mouse-gray; aerial mycelium white to gray. a^ Sporophores straight. 30. Streptomyces griseolus. a^. Sporophores broom-shaped. 31. Streptomyces fasciculus.