Page:Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology.djvu/898

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11. Polyangium ferrugineuni Krze- mieniewska and Krzemieniewski, 1927. (Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae, 5, 1927, 97.)' L. adj. Jerrugineus of the color of iron rust. Fruiting bodies: Irregular, branched and occasionally constricted coils. Branches of same diameter as the main tube. Cyst wall is brown-red. In the interior no differentia- tion is visible. Rods in cysts are relatively short and thick, 0.8 to 1.1 microns by 2 to 2.5 microns, not definitely arranged. Close to Archanguim gephyra, but with cyst walls. Source: From soil in Poland and from rabbit dung. Habitat: Found on decaying organic mat- ter in soil and in the dung of various ani- mals. Illustrations: Krzemieniewski {ibid., PI. V, Fig. 21). 12. Polyangium indivisum Krzemie- niewska and Krzemieniewski, 1927. (Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae, 5, 1927, 97.)'sum. L. adj. indivisus undivided. Vegetative cells: Not described. Fruiting bodies: Similar to those in Poly- angium ferrugineuni, but much smaller and bright orange-yellow. Enclosed in a simi- larly colored slime membrane. Interior of coils undifferentiated. Cyst rods 0.8 to 1.0 by 3 to 6 microns, straight and rounded on ends. Arranged perpendicularly to the wall, giving a netted appearance resembling Melittangium. Source: From soils in Poland. 13. Polyangium spumosum Krzemie- niewska and Krzemieniewski, 1930. (Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae, 7, 1930, 254.)'sum. L. adj. spumosus foamy or frothy. Vegetative cells: Straight rods, uniformly thick, with rounded ends; 0.6 to 0.8 by 3.9 to 6.8 microns. Fruiting body: Colorless sori embedded in hyaline slime forming a common envelope around the cysts. Surface white, foamy in appearance; cysts in irregularly rounded accumulations, 100 to 150 microns in diame- ter. Cysts usually spherical, sometimes elongate; 18 to 38 by 20 to 50 microns; av- erage 28 by 34 microns. Cyst membrane col- orless. Cysts contain bundles of shortened cells, a granular colorless mass and a clear oleaginous fluid. Habitat: Soil. Illustrations: Krzemieniewski {ibid., Pis. XVI and XVII, Figs. 10-13). 14. Polyangium fumosum Krzemie- niewska and Krzemieniewski, 1930. (Acta Soc. Bot. Poloniae, 7, 1930, 253.)'sum. L. adj. fumosiis smokjr. Vegetative cells: Long, straight, cylindri- cal, with rounded ends; 0.7 to 0.9 by 2.7 to 5.7 microns. Encysted cells similar. Fruiting body: A flat, crust-like layer of 2 to 20 (or more) cysts arranged to form a sorus. Sori rounded, up to 90 microns in diameter, or irregularly shaped; often elon- gate up to 400 microns long. Smoky gray color due to surrounding slime walls. Outer profile of sheath (or corte.x) irregular. Cyst wall 2.4 to 3.5 microns thick; cysts often nearly spherical, 13 to 48 microns in diame- ter, though frequently elongate. Average 36 by 44 microns. Colorless, single, enclosed in a transparent membrane. Habitat: Soil. Illustrations: Krzemieniewski {ibid., PI. XVI, Figs. 6-9). 15. Polyangium parasiticum Geitler, 1924. (Arch. f. Protistenkunde, 50, 1924, 67.)'ti.cum. Or. adj. parasiticus para- sitic. Vegetative cells: In water, on the surface of the alga Cladophora. Rods long, cylindri- cal, rounded at end and 0.7 by 4.0 to 7.0 microns. At first saprophytic, later entering and destroying the Cladophora cell. Fruiting bodies: Sometimes single, usu- ally 2 to 8, microscopically small, united in irregular masses, spherical or somewhat elongated. From 15 to 50 microns, usually 25 to 40 microns, with hyaline slime. When mature, red-brown in color with firm wall. Source: Found on Cladophora {fractal) in a pool at Vienna. lUu.strations: Geitler {ibid.. Figs. 1-10).