Page:Best Russian Short Stories.djvu/524

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G3o. MYERS, GUSTAVUS. H!story of the Great American Fortunes, G3x. WERFEL, FRANZ. The Forty Days of Musa'Dagh. G3OE. SMITH, ADAM. The Wealth of Nations. G33. COLLINS, WILKIE. The Moonstone andoEhe W0man in White. G34. NIETZSCHE, FRIEDRICH. The Phil0sophy of Nietzsche. G35. BURY,.[. B. A History of Greece. G36. DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR. The Brothers Karamazo,e. G37. THE COMPLETE NOVELS AND SELECTED TALES OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. G38. ROLLAND, ROMAIN. jean-Christophe. G39. THE BASIC WRITINGS OF SGMUND FREUD. G4o. THE COMPLETE TALES AND POEMS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. G4I. G42. G43. G44. G45. G46. G47. G48. G49. Gso. GS. G52. G53. G54. G55. G56. G57. G58. G59. G6o. G62. G63. G64. G65. FARRELL, JAMEg T. Studs Lonigan. THE POEMS AND PLAYS OF TENNYSON. DEWEY, JOHN. Intelligence in the Modern World: John Dewey's Philosophy. DOS PASSOS, JOHN. U. S. A. LEWISOHN, LUDWIG. The Story of American L,terature. A NEW ANTHOLOGY OF MODERN POETRY. THE ENGLISH PHILOSOPHERS FROM BACON TO MILL. THE METROPOLITAN OPERA GUIDE. TWAIN, MARK. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. WHITMAN, WALT. Leaves of Grass. THE BEST-KNOWN NOVELS OF GEORGE ELIOT. JOYCE, JAMES. Ulysses. SUE, EUGENE. The Wandering Jew. FIELDING, HENRY. Tom J6nes. O'NEILL, EUGENE. Nine Plays by STERNE, LAURENCE. Trlstram Sliandy and A seati- mental Journey BROOKS, VAN WYCK. The Flowering of New England. MALRAU'X, ANDRÉ. Man's Hope. HEMINGWAY, ERNEST. The Short Storles of DOSTOYEVSKY, FYODOR. The Idiot. (Illustrated by Boardman R,binson). SPAETH, SIGMUND. A Guide to Great Orchestral Music. THE IOEMSI PROSE AND PLAYS OF PUSHKIN. SIXTEEN FAMOUS BRITISH PLAYS. MELVILLE, HERMAN. Moby Dick THE COMPLETE WORKS OF RABELAIS