Page:Bhagavad Gita - Annie Besant 4th edition.djvu/125

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श्रीभगवानुवाच ।

अक्षरं ब्रह्म परमं स्वभावोऽध्यात्ममुच्यते ।

भूतभावोद्भवकरो विसर्गः कर्मसंज्ञितः ॥ ३ ॥

The Blessed Lord said:

The indestructible, the supreme is the Eternal;[1] His essential nature is called Self-knowledge;[2] the emanation that causes the birth of beings is named Action;[3] (3)

अधिभूतं क्षरो भावः पुरुषश्चाधिदैवतम् । अधियज्ञोऽहमेवात्र देहे देहभृतां वर ॥ ४ ॥

Knowledge of the Elements[4] concerns My perishable nature, and knowledge of the Shining Ones[5] concerns the life-giving energy[6]; the knowledge of Sacrifice[7] tells of Me, as wearing the body, O best of living beings. (4)

  1. Brahman.
  2. Adhyâtma.
  3. Karma.
  4. Adhibhûta.
  5. Adhidaiva.
  6. Purusha, the male creative energy. The supreme Pursha is the Divine Man, the manifested God.
  7. Adhiyajña.