Page:Bhagavad Gita - Annie Besant 4th edition.djvu/210

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My womb is the great Eternal; in that I place the germ; thence cometh the birth of all beings, O Bhârata. (3)

सर्वयोनिषु कौन्तेय मूर्तयः संभवन्ति याः । तासां ब्रह्म महद्योनिरहं बीजप्रदः पिता ॥ ४ ॥

In whatsoever wombs mortals are produced, O Kaunteya, the great Eternal is their womb, I their generating father. (4)

सत्त्वं रजस्तम इति गुणाः प्रकृतिसंभवाः । निबध्नन्ति महाबाहो देहे देहिनमव्ययम् ॥ ५ ॥

Harmony,[1] Motion, Inertia, such are the qualities[2], Matter[3]-born; they bind fast in the body, O great-armed one, the indestructible dweller in the body. (5)

तत्र सत्त्वं निर्मलत्वात्प्रकाशकमनामयम् । सुखसङ्गेन बध्नाति ज्ञानसङ्गेन चानघ ॥ ६ ॥

Of these Harmony from its stainlessness,

  1. More strictly Rhythm.
  2. Gunas.
  3. Prakriti.