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Icelandic E-Journal of Nordic and Mediterranean Studies

Giuliano D'Amico 2009 Black Metal, Literature and Mythology. The Case of Cornelius Jakhelln Nordicum-Mediterraneum 4(1) 25-33 Akureyri, Ísafjörður, Iceland: University of Akureyri Author Affiliation Research Fellow University of Oslo Oslo, Østlandet, Norway
Giuliano D'Amico 2009 Black Metal, Literature and Mythology. The Case of Cornelius Jakhelln Nordicum-Mediterraneum 4(1) 25-33 Akureyri, Ísafjörður, Iceland: University of Akureyri

Author Affiliation
Research Fellow
University of Oslo
Oslo, Østlandet, Norway

The three peaks of the triangle represent past, present and future, corroborating the interpretation of the album as a temporal journey. Lyrics were written in French and English and evoked images ranging from the United States to England, France and Africa, in a somewhat post-modern and grotesque portrait of a globalized world. The very first strophe of the opening song „Proprietors of Red‟ , which the band also enclosed as a disclaimer in the last page of the booklet, can work as a case in point: „The world is my will and I will a cigar / A coronas corona creation of sound / Cedar matchsticks light the best Cuban brand / Hiroshima hides in this far Havana / A motion picture to rewind and remaster / The Director died in a Nietzschean crash / Franco American power première / CK II Chanel no. 6‟.[1]

Soon after the release of Neonism, Jakhelln started his career as a writer, publishing his first book Gebura Muse. Quadra Natura 0001.[2] It is a mixture of poems and prose, which is important to our subject in different ways. Firstly, it marked Jakhelln‟s first reference to mythology: Gebura Muse is the story of a djinn, a genie belonging to the Islamic tradition, which is named Ibliis and is sent to Earth by the Geburah, the fifth Sephiroth of the tree of life. In a way, Gebura Muse is comparable to Solefald‟s Neonism for its taste for travel narrative. Here we see Ibliis riding a Lamborghini Diablo in the USA, discussing Norwegian politics and turning into a Jim Morrison-like character. Furthermore, an intriguing token of intertextuality arises between Jakhelln‟s production as musician and poet. The poem „Ned den kanelstrødde boulevarden til det kremfylte slottet‟[3] is a quite evident rewriting of Solefald‟s song „Tequila Sunrise‟. The same applies to the poem „Nutrisco et exstinguo‟[4], which bears the same title and directly refers to the opening song of Solefald‟s fourth album, In Harmonia Universali.[5]

After having changed record label, Solefald published a concept album entitled Pills for the Ageless Ills[6], which narrated „the story of two brothers, Pornographer Cain and Philosopher Fuck, and the days before their deaths. Cain, a pornography director, is found guilty of the murder of Kurt Cobain. Meanwhile, Fuck is exiled from

the United States and dies in a hospital in Paris. Both brothers represent the


  1. Solefald, Neonism, cit.
  2. Cornelius Jakhelln, Gebura Muse. Quadra Natura 0001, Aschehoug, Oslo 2001.
  3. Ibid., p. 29.
  4. Ibid., p. 67.
  5. Solefald, In Harmonia Universali, Century Media Records, Dortmund 2003.
  6. Solefald, Pills for the Ageless Ills, Century Media Records, Dortmund 2001.