Page:Bobbsey Twins at Snow Lodge.djvu/227

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falling tree made the crack wider, so I could see it."

"I wonder who could have put it there?" said Dorothy.

Bert and Nan looked at each other. The same thought came into their minds.

"The missing money!" cried Bert. "The roll of bills that Mr. Carford thought his nephew took! Can this be it?"

"Oh, if it only is! " murmured Nan. "Let's tell papa right away!"

Carrying the money so strangely found, the young folks went into the house where Mr. and Mrs. Bobbsey were. The roll of bills was shown, and Mr. Bobbsey was much surprised.

"Do you think this can be the money Mr. Carford lost?" asked Bert.

"I shouldn't be surprised," said Mr. Bobbsey, quickly. "I'll take a look. Mr. Carford said he left it on the mantel in the living room. And you found it in the room back of that. I'll look."

Quickly he examined the mantel. Then he exclaimed:

"Yes, that's how it happened. There is a