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shamefully. Here, my boy, Mr. Bell has brought you some fruit."

"Thank you, Franklin. Can I have an orange now?"

"You may have half of one, and the other half if you wake up thirsty during the night. We must make it last as long as possible, you know."

"I'll get more when I get my next pay," said Franklin, as he took a seat beside the bed while Mrs. Leclair dropped into a rocker, after giving Harry the half orange on a plate.

"And how do things go?" questioned the sick boy, after eating a section of the fruit with great relish. "Are you back in the old place yet?"

"No but we will be next week. Things are not going well with me."

"That's too bad." Harry ate another portion of the orange. "Oh, say, did you get your knife back?" he asked, suddenly.

"My knife!" cried Franklin, in astonishment. "What do you know of my knife?"

"Why, I saw Bob Jackson take your knife from your pocket the afternoon I was taken sick. I meant to tell you of it the next day, if he didn't give it back. He would be just mean enough to keep it."

"So Bob Jackson took it," cried Franklin, a flood of light bursting in on him. "I understand it all now. The three are in league against me, planned the whole thing beforehand."