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on the following morning. His trunk had already been sent to the depot, and he carried a small satchel in his hand. All of the girls went to the station to see him off.

"Be sure and come back safe!" was Daisy's last cry, as he boarded the train.

"Let us hear from you often!" called out Annie, as she waved her handkerchief.

"Bye-bye, F'anky!" came in baby Bess's piping voice, and then, with a farewell to all, Franklin entered the car, and the train rolled on its journey.

"It's a big undertaking for a boy." he said to himself, as he selected a seat and dropped into it, with his satchel by his side. "I hope I succeed, for I would not like to disappoint Mr. Brice, especially after all he has done for me."

Franklin was a courageous boy, and one well calculated to succeed in any ordinary undertaking. But little did he dream of what lay before him—of the difficulties and the dangers. Had he known of them, his heart might have faltered, and perhaps he might even have turned back. He was going among utter strangers, and he was destined to meet many more enemies than friends.