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Franklin returned to Paterson and resumed his old place in the electrical fan works. But this was not for long. At the end of the first week, Mombray, the superintendent, came to him and informed him that he was promoted to the experimental department, and that Mr. Brice had given orders that he should be allowed to pursue his investigations as he saw fit.

This change delighted the young electrician, as it gave him an opportunity he had long desired. He applied himself diligently to his work, and in the course of a year produced several decided improvements in electrical fans; and also invented an electrical burglar alarm, which Belden Brice had patented for him, and manufactured at the works; paying Franklin a handsome amount on every one sold.

The young electrician was not only determined to use his brains and make money, but he was also determined to save it. He applied himself strictly to business, and at the end of three years had accumulated enough to buy a half interest in the works from Belden Brice, who had become sole owner. Thus the boy who had been nothing but a bench hand, developed into a wealthy manufacturer, and that solely through his own untiring perseverance.

Franklin did not forget his relatives, who had now removed to the city where the young electri-