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The walk, which was a trifle over a mile long, did him good, and when he reached the works he was more collected than he had been since Mrs. Mace had accused him.

He walked around to the office of the factory, and on peering through one of the windows, saw the great inventor inside, talking to an assistant.

Franklin hesitated for an instant, and then knocked boldly on the door.

"Come in," said a voice.

Franklin pushed open the door and found himself in a rather plain, but neat office. No one was present but the inventor and his assistant, and the latter looked up inquiringly.

Franklin could not help but survey the man he thought greater than the President. He saw an earnest but not unpleasant face, backed by rather a tall, loose-hung figure and hands that showed their possessor was not afraid of hard work.

"This is Mr. Thomas Edison's place, I believe," he said to the assistant, as he removed his hat.

"Yes. What can we do for you?"

"I came to see if you could give me work of any kind in your factory here. I have always taken to electricity, and I believe I could do such work about as well as anything."

The great inventor's assistant shook his head.

"I'm afraid not," he said. "Have you any experience?"