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So he sprang over the fence which guards the railroad track on either side, and started on at a brisk pace.

He was within two blocks of the station when, happening to glance toward the tracks, he saw a little girl walking upon them in the same direction he was pursuing.

"I suppose she was on that train too," he said to himself, "and wants to get to Newark before they get matters put into shape once more. But it is dangerous for her to walk the tracks. She ought to come out here on the sidewalk."

Franklin hesitated for a moment and then came close to the fence.

"Hullo, there, little girl!" he cried.

The girl stopped short and looked at him.

"What do you want?" she asked in rather a nervous voice.

"It's dangerous to walk on the tracks. Hadn't you better come out here on this sidewalk?"

"I suppose so," was the reply. "But I didn't notice the walk when I started, and a man told me it was only a few steps to the station."

"There is an opening at the street just below here," went on Franklin. "You had better come out—"

The youth did not finish.

There was a shrill whistle close at hand, and, looking down the track, Franklin saw a train approaching.