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He laid one hand upon the young electrician^s shoulder. The next moment Franklin wheeled about and hit him hard, directly between the eyes, a blow which sent him staggering with a crash against the fence.

How the unequal fight would have terminated is hard to say. At that moment the door of one of the near-by factory buildings opened and three men came out.

"Hi, get out of this yard!" shouted one of the men, savagely. "We don't allow boys in here! Get out, I say, or I'll have the three of you locked up!"

"It's old Momper!" growled Mike Nolan, under his breath. "Come on. Bob, the fight is done for this trip!" and he leaped over the fence, quickly followed by his companion.

"Did you hear what I said?" demanded the man of Franklin. "Skip now, and be lively."

At first Franklin was on the point of stopping to explain matters. Then he changed his mind, and picking up his lunch basket he departed in the same manner as his assailants.

Once more on the street he looked around for Jackson and Nolan. Nothing was to be seen of them, and with his eyes wide open to keep from being surprised, Franklin continued on his way to Belden Brice's residence and soon reached the place in safety.