Page:Boys of Columbia High on the River.djvu/135

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things are pointing it will not be long before they reach that goal. Some one did it, and that shows what a reckless spirit may be loose in the community. I've had some unpleasant experiences with this wanton spirit that is at large, and can never forgive the humiliation it caused me."

"Well, sir; I believe that I can also testify to something in that line, although I am a stranger here, and have certainly done nothing to provoke a feeling of hostility among the fun-loving boys," and the other shrugged his shoulders as he thus expressed himself.

"How was that, sir?" asked the music-master, moodily.

"I attended the circus with my two small boys. This was about a month back. We happened to stand up at one time when the whole audience arose to stretch. When I sat down again I did not notice anything wrong. But as the show closed, upon attempting to leave I found that I was glued fast to the board. Some miscreant had, from underneath, coated the board with glue or some similar substance while I stood."

The professor smiled in a commiserating manner.

"But you secured your release finally, of course?" he asked.

"I did, but paid the penalty for my rashness by ruining my best trousers, for I left a portion of