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'None,' said Alfred, fetching a deep sigh. 'I came here straight. I could think of nothing else but getting here—and—perhaps—finding her! I thought—I thought there might be some—mistake!' His voice suddenly broke. The futility of the hope that had sustained him for hours had dawned upon him slowly, but now the cruel light hid nothing any longer. She was not here; she had not been heard of here; and precious hours had been lost. He grasped his hat and held out his trembling hand.

'Thank you! Thank you, Mr Barrington! Now I must be off.'

'Where to?'

'To Scotland Yard. I should have gone there first. But—I was mad, I think; I thought there had been some mistake. Only some mistake!'

The squatter was touched to the soul. 'I have known her, off and on, since she was a baby,' he said. 'Bligh—if you would only let me, I should like to come with you.'

Alfred wrung the other's hand, but refused his offer.