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He left Alfred, shut himself up alone, and reviewed the situation. An hour's hard thinking led to a rather ingenious interview—one with the girl Bunn. It took place on the stairs, of all places. Granville saw her set foot upon the bottom stair; he immediately sat down upon the top one, produced a newspaper, and blocked the gangway.

'Bunn, you have a sweetheart in Australia. Don't pout and toss your head; it's nothing to be ashamed of—quite the contrary; and it's the fact, I think—eh?'

'Lor', Mr Granville, what if I have?'

'Well, nothing; only there is something about it in this newspaper—about Australia, I mean; not about you—that's to come. You shall have the newspaper, Bunn; here it is. I thought you'd like it, that's all.'

Bunn took the paper, all smiles and blushes.

'Oh, thank you, Mr Granville. And—and I beg your pardon, sir.'

'Don't name it, my good girl. But, look here, Bunn; stay one moment, if you don't mind.' (She could scarcely help staying, he