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Newly translated and edited by Francis Abkwright.

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No historian has ever succeeded in placing scenes and persons so vividly before the eyes of his readers as did the Duke de St. Simon, lie was a born observer ; his curiosity was insatiable ; he had a keen insight into character ; he knew everybody, and has a hundred anec- dotes to relate of the men and women he describes. He had a singular knack of acquiriog the confidential friendship of men in high office, from whom he learnt details of important state affairs. For a brief while he served as a soldier. Afterwards his life was passed at the Court of Louis XIV, where he won the affectionate intimacy of the Duke of Orleans and the Duke of Burgundy. St. Simon's famous Memoirs have recently been much neglected in England, owing to the mass of unnecessary detail overshadowing the marvellously fascinating chronicle beneath. In this edition, however, they have been carefully edited and should have an extraordinarily wide receptioD.


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This fascinating travel-book describes the land of the Rhine and the Black Forest, at the present time so much the centre of p ablic interest. The natural and architectural beauties of Germany are too supreme for even the sternest German-hater to deny ; and this book describes them and the land around them well. But apart from the love-story which Miss Lorimer has weaved into the book, a particularly great interest attaches to her description of the home life of the men who, since she saw them, have deserved and received the condemnation of the whole civilized world.


By Norma Lorimer, Author of '* By the Waters of Germany," etc.

New and Cheaper Edition, reset from new type, Large Crown Svo, cloth gilt, with a coloured frontis- piece and 16 other illustrations, 6/-.

This book, the predecessor of " By the Waters of Germany," was called at the time of its original publication " one of the most original books of travel ever published." It had at once a big success, but for some time it has been quite out of print. Full of the vivid colour of Sicilian life, it is a delightfully picturesque volume, half travel-book, half story ; and there is a sparkle in it, for the author writes as if glad to be alive in her gorgeously beautiful surroundings.