Page:British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 144 (1952).djvu/18

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Chronological Index
Date Country Nature of Document Subject
Jan. 31 Great Britain and Ethiopia Convention with Annex Military
Feb. 5 Great Britain Notification State of War with Siam
Feb. 5 Canada and Soviet Union Agreement Consular
Feb. 9 Great Britain Order in Council Merchant Shipping (Colonies) (Amendment). Extension. Dominica and Leeward Islands
Feb. 9 Great Britain Order in Council Medical Act 1886. Revocation of Application to Japan of Part II
Feb. 11 South Africa Proclamation State of War with Siam
Feb. 16 Eire and Egypt Notes Prolongation. Commercial Agreement, 1930
Feb. 18 Australia Instrument State of War with Siam
Feb. 23 Great Britain Order in Council Bahama Islands Prize Court (Fees)
Feb. 23 Great Britain Order in Council United States of America (Extradition: India)
Feb. 23 Great Britain and United States Agreement Mutual Aid
Feb. 26 Great Britain and Venezuela Treaty Submarine Areas. Gulf of Paria
Feb. 26 Great Britain and Venezuela Treaty Island of Patos
Feb. 27 Portugal Decree Law Transfer and Administration, Manica and Sofala
Feb. 28 Great Britain and Egypt Notes Prolongation. Commercial Modus Vivendi, 1930
Mar. 4 Canada and United States Convention and Protocol Double Taxation and Fiscal Evasion of Income Tax
Mar. 5 Great Britain Order in Council Jurisdiction. China under Japanese Military occupation
Mar. 5 Great Britain Order in Council Merchant Shipping (Light Dues)
Mar. 8 Great Britain Order Aliens (Protected Areas)
Mar. 10 Brazil Decree Constitution Amendments
Mar. 6/12 Canada and United States Notes. Appendix Unemployment Insurance
Mar. 13 Great Britain and Iceland Notes Suspension. Commercial Agreement and Protocol, 1933.
Mar. 16 China and Iraq Treaty. Notes Amity
Mar. 17/18 Canada and United States Notes Military Highway, Alaska
Mar. 20 Great Britain Order Foreign Representatives (Administration of Oaths)