Page:British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 144 (1952).djvu/667

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Great Britan And Japan

(No. 4.)—The Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs to the British Ambassador Chungking, June 18, 1941.

(Translation) Sir,
I Have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency’s Note of to-day’s date, which reads as follows: —

(As in No. 3)

I have the honour to request that you will convey to the Government of Burma the National Government’s appreciation of this gesture of goodwill.

I avail, &c. WANG CHUNG HUI.

EXCHANGE OF NOTES between the United Kingdom and Egypt establishing a Commercial “Modus Vivendi ”.— Cairo, June 5/7, 1930([1])

[Further extended until February 16, 1942, by exchange of Notes at Cairo on February 16, 1941.]

EXTRADITION TREATY between the United Kingdom and Iraq.—Bagdad, May 2, 1932([2])

Extension: Burma October 18, 1941.

TREATY of Commerce and Navigation between the United Kingdom and Japan.—London, April 3, 1911([3])

Denunciation:— United Kingdom July 26, 1941.

SUPPLEMENTARY CONVENTION to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of April 3, 1911, between the United Kingdom and Japan.—London, July 30, 1925(<4>)

Denunciation:— United Kingdom July 29, 1941.

  • r4 CXXI, page 812.

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  1. Vol. CXXXII, page 236.
  2. Vol. CXXXV, page 287.
  3. Vol. CIV, page 159.