Page:British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 155 (1958).djvu/521

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Germany (Federal Republic)

3. No one may be compelled against his conscience to perform war service as a combatant. Details shall be regulated by a federal law.

Article 5

1. Everyone shall have the right freely to express and to disseminate his opinion through speech, writing and illustration and, without hindrance, to instruct himself from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by radio and motion pictures shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.

2. These rights shall be limited by the provisions of the general laws, the legal regulations for the protection of juveniles and the right of personal honour.

3. Art and science research and teaching shall be free. Freedom of teaching shall not absolve from loyalty to the constitution.

Article 6

1. Marriage and the family shall be under the special protection of the State.

2. The care and upbringing of children shall be the natural right of parents and the supreme duty incumbent upon them. The State shall watch over their activity.

3. Children may be separated from the family against the will of those entitled to bring them up only on a legal basis if those so entitled fail to do their duty or if on other grounds a danger of the children being neglected arises.

4. Every mother shall have a claim to the protection and care of the community.

5. Illegitimate children shall, through legislation, be given the same conditions for their physcial and spirtual development and their position in society as legitimate children.

Article 7

1. The entire educational system shall be under the super vision of the State.

2. Those entitled to bring up the child shall have the right to decide whether it shall receive religious instruction.

3. Religious instruction shall form part of the curriculum in the State schools with the exception of non-confessional schools. Religious instruction shall, without prejudice to the State's right of supervision, be given according to the principles of the religious societies. No teacher may be obliged against his will to give religious instruction.