Page:British and Foreign State Papers, vol. 155 (1958).djvu/695

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is hereby supplemented with the provision—to take effect retrospectively from the period of its coming into force—that real estate serving the purposes of the cinema undertakings concerned will also pass into State ownership together with their installations and equipment (fittings).

Clause 18

Any person guilty of infringing or circumventing the pro visions of the present Decree will be punished as provided by the relevant provisions of the penal code.

Clause 19

The Council of Ministers (paragraph 1 of Clause 14) and the appropriate departmental Ministers are responsible for carrying the present Decree into effect. Budapest, 28th December, 1949.

President of the Praesidium of the People's Republic. Secretary of the Praesidium of the People's Republic.

AGREEMENT between Hungary and Roumania regarding the regulation of certain Nationality questions.—Bucharest, 10th February, 1949.

[Ratifications exchanged at Budapest on 19th May, 1949.] (Translation)

The President of the Republic of Hungary and the Praesidium of the Grand National Assembly of the Roumanian People's Democracy, being mutually convinced that it is in the interest of both peoples to maintain good-neighbourly relations, to consolidate to the utmost possible extent a spirit of co-operation and the ties of friendship existing between the two People's Democracies, have decided by means of an Agreement to adjust certain questions of nationality and for that purpose have appointed as their plenipotentiaries

[Here follow the names]

who after exchanging their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:

Article 1

1. The Republic of Hungary acknowledges as Hungarian, nationals those persons who—whether they were at the time